Pyidaungsu Hluttaw donates aid to disaster affected Mon, Kayin, Taninthayi

AT the eleventh-day meeting of the Second Pyidaungsu Hluttaw’s 13th regular session held yesterday morning at the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw meeting hall Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Speaker said Hluttaw representatives will donate their one-day daily allowance of K 22.5 million for ethnic brethrens in Taninthayi Region, Mon and Kayin states.

Motion to donate daily allowance to natural disaster affected ethnic brethrens

As a first agenda of the meeting Dr Hla Moe of Aungmyethazan constituency tabled a motion expressing Hluttaw representatives’ sympathy and sorrow toward ethnic brethrens from Mon State, Kayin State and Taninthayi Region affected by natural disasters of heavy rains, flooding and landslides in August 2019 and to donate Hluttaw representatives’ one-day daily allowance. Dr Hla Moe also explained in detail on the reason for tabling the motion and U Soe Myint (a) U Aung Zaw Myint of Amarapura constituency discussed in support of the motion.

After obtaining Pyidaungsu Hluttaw consensus on the motion Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Speaker announced the Hluttaw’s approval of the motion and observed a one minute silence in memory of all those affected by the natural disaster.

A total of K 22.5 million were made by Pyithu Hluttaw representatives (K 8,640,000), Pyithu Hluttaw Speaker (K 6,360,000), Amyotha Hluttaw representatives (K 4,480,000) and Amyotha Hluttaw Speaker (K 3,020,000).

National Education Policy Commission six month report

As a final agenda of the day National Education Policy Commission six month report was discussed by Dr Khin Sithu of Loikaw constituency, U Min Thein of Taungdwingyi constituency, U Nay Lin Aung of Mindat constituency, Dr Sein Mya Aye of Dala constituency, U Kyaw Myint Oo of Mandalay Region constituency 10, U Myint Lwin of Twantay constituency, U Hla San of Magway Region constituency 1, Dr Kyaw Ngwe of Magway Region constituency 10, U Oo Tun Maung of Ponnagyun constituency, U Kyaw Toke of Mandalay Region constituency 7, U Nay Kyaw of Dagon Myothit (East) constituency, U Kyaw Thaung of Sagaing Region constituency 1, U San Myint of Ayeyawady Region constituency 3, U Aye Bo of Yangon Region constituency 11, U Kyaw Swe of Magway Region constituency 11, U Khin Maung Thi of Loilem constituency, U Tin Maung Win of Seikkan constituency, Daw Than Than Aye of Magway Region constituency 7, U Nan Mon Htin of Machanbaw constituency, U Cin Khant Pau of Chin State constituency 6, Tatmadaw representative Maj Htin Lin Oo, U Okka Min of Taninthayi Region constituency 8, U Sein Myint of Myingyan constituency and U Than Soe (a) Than Soe (Economic) of Yangon Region constituency 4.

After the discussion Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Speaker announced that on the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw meeting scheduled for 19 August the commission and Ministry of Education will explain and respond to the discussion made by the Hluttaw representatives and Hluttaw will put the matter on record. The meeting came to an end after this.

Maw Si, Hmwe Kyu Zin, (Translated by Zaw Min)