Pyidaungsu Hluttaw examines human rights report, government budget proposals

18 July


ON the 2nd day of the Second Pyidaungsu Hluttaw’s 13th regular session yesterday, MNHRC Chair U Win Mra read the commission’s annual report for 2018 and vari-ous officials read the budget pro-posals of government institutions for the Hluttaw to deliberate on.


The Speaker first read min-ister appointments for Mandalay Region  and  Mon  State  cabinets  sent from the President and the Hluttaw put them on record.


Human rights report for 2018

Next, Myanmar National Hu-man Rights Commission Chair U Win Mra read the commission’s annual report for 2018. He said we need  to  find  methods  to  reduce  the inmate population of prisons exceeding  50  per  cent  of  their  designated capacity.


The report suggests finding alternatives  to  locking  up  drug  abusers,  such  as  conducting  awareness  raising  campaigns,  administering communal punish-ment, offering health protection and focusing more on arresting the  people  who  distribute  the  drugs.


U Win Mra said production camps for women in mining op-erations  should  be  closed  down  as  the  heavy  labour  may  cause  injuries to their wombs over long periods. He said water purifiers should be installed in prisons with the Union budget through annual meetings. He also said necessary health staff should be assigned to administer to the inmates.


He  said  vocational  training  courses  are  properly  conduct-ed in Insein Central Prison and Mandalay  Central  Prison  and suggested  contacting  relevant  ministries and private vocational training centers to provide similar courses in other prisons.


U  Win  Mra  said  they  have  witnessed  concentrated  efforts  to help young inmates continue pursuing  education  in  Insein,  Mandalay  and  Obo  prisons.  He  said the inmates who passed ma-triculation  exams  with  distinc-tions were pardoned or had their prison  sentence  reduced  and  suggested  carrying  out  similar  reductions for the jailed teachers who taught them.


He  said  the  MNHRC  is  in  urgent need of cooperation from the  Union  Government,  Union  Ministries  and  State/Regional  Governments  in  carrying  out  their  various  duties.  However,  he said there has been increased assistance compared to previous years and indicates a promising future  for  the  nation’s  human  rights affairs. The Speaker then called for MPs interested in discussing the report to enrol their names.


Officials  explain  budget  for  2019-2020 Financial Year

Next, Union-level institutions explained the budgets outlined in the  National  Planning  Bill  and  Union  Budget  Bill  for  2019-2020  Financial Year.


Deputy  Minister  U  Maung  Maung  Win  explained  that  the  budget for the President’s Office was drawn within the framework given by the Budget Department.


He said K9198.726 million has been accounted for ordinary ex-penditure and K8619.935 million for  capital  expenditure.  Under  capital  expenditure  is  the  cost  for constructing the office for the Ministry of President’s Office at K8606.249  million,  while  pur-chasing  office  furniture  costed  K13.686 million, said the Deputy Minister. He asked the Hluttaw to approve the estimated budget for the President’s Office.


Joint Public Accounts Com-mittee Secretary U Khin Maung Than  explained  the  budget  for  the  Pyidaungsu  Hluttaw  Office.  He  said  staff  salary  comes  out  at  K901.929  million,  Hluttaw  session  planning  and  office  ad-ministration  costs  come  out  at  K1,290.331 million, various inter-est  payments  were  at  K18.239  million  and  emergency  funds  were permitted at K40 million.


He  said  they  proposed  for  K26.125 million as capital expend-iture. He said they have also pro-posed for K210.450 million (equiv-alent  to  approx..  US$138,000),  under the categories for capital expenditure,  loans  and  support  funds, to pay for ICT infrastruc-ture of the Union-level and state/regional Hluttaws.


He  said  the  Finance  Com-mission has approved their pro-posals and they await the approv-al of the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw.


Next,  Deputy  Minister  U  Maung Maung Win explained the budget proposals of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He asked the assembly to approve the proposal of  K72,151.299  million  for  oridi-nary and capital expenditure so that  the  ministry  may  perform  its duties.


Next, Deputy Minister Maj-Gen  Than  Htut  explained  the  budget proposals for the Ministry of  Border  Affairs.  He  said  they  have calculated the budget to car-ry out their duties with the least amount of expenses possible and asked the assembly to give their approval.


This  was  followed  by  other  high-ranking officials explaining the budget proposals of various government institutions for 2019-2020 FY.
The   Speaker   then   an-nounced  that  the  remaining  budget  proposal  readings  for  will be continued at the next Py-idaungsu Hluttaw meeting on 22 July. —MNA (Translated by Zaw Htet Oo)