Pyidaungsu Hluttaw explains about merging two ministries

16 NOVEMBER 2019

Merging Ministry of Industry and Ministry of Planning and Finance as the Ministry of Planning, Finance and Industry would speed up the transition works. Internationally, economically related functions were combined as ministry of trade and industry, ministry of commerce and industry etc. As Strategic Economic Planning was drawn up for Myanmar due to its situation it would be most appropriate to merge the Ministry of Planning and Finance with the Ministry of Industry.

Furthermore, at the moment the Union Minister for Planning and Finance was also the Union Minister for Industry and merging the two ministries would combine the transition works to a single ministry speeding up the works said the Deputy Minister.

Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Speaker U T Khun Myat then announced for Hluttaw representatives who want to discuss the matter to register their names.

Pyidaungsu Hluttaw approves bill amending Myanmar Stamp Act

Next, Hluttaw representatives discussed clause wise proposals on a bill amending Myanmar Stamp Act made by Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Joint Bill Committee Secretary Dr Myat Nyana Soe. Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Speaker then obtained the decision of the Hluttaw to approve the proposal after obtaining the comments of Ministry of Planning and Finance and the Joint Bill Committee.

Deputy Minister for Planning and Finance U Maung Maung Win then tabled a motion to approve the entire bill.

After obtaining the decision of the Hluttaw, Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Speaker announced the Hluttaw’s approval of the entire bill.

Joint Committee to study constitution amendment bill submit report

Following this, secretary of Joint Committee on Scrutinizing the second bill amending the Constitution Dr Myat Nyana Soe read the committee report on the committee’s findings and comments on a bill amending the Constitution for the second time signed and submitted by 144 Tatmadaw Hluttaw representatives including Brig-Gen Maung Maung.

Dr Myat Nyana Soe said that in addition to this present bill, there were two similar bills, a bill amending the Constitution for the second time submitted by 145 Hluttaw representatives including Dr Maung Thin of Meiktila constituency and a bill amending the Constitution for the second time submitted by 143 Hluttaw representatives including U Thein Tun of Kyaunggon Constituency. The committee found that the three bills were not to amend the entire 2008 Constitution but to amend certain enactments only.

A Joint Committee to amend the 2018 Constitution made up of political party groups in Hluttaw and independent Hluttaw representatives proportionately was formed with Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Office Notification 15/2019 of 19 February 2019. The Joint Committee was assigned to draw up a bill amending the Constitution and submit to the Hluttaw

Once this committee submits the bill, it would be appropriate for the Joint Committee Scrutinizing the second bill amending the Constitution formed with all members of Pyithu Hluttaw and Amyotha Hluttaw bill committees to study this bill together with the three bills. This was the finding and comments of the majority of the members of the Joint Committee Scrutinizing the second bill on amending the Constitution for the second time.

However, some Joint Committee Scrutinizing the second bill on amending the Constitution members U Stephan, Daw Nan Ni Ni Aye, Brig-Gen Maung Maung and Brig-Gen Tint Lwin suggested on separately discussing the bills in the Hluttaw.

The Joint scrutinizing Committee recommends that the bill amending the Constitution for the second time signed and submitted by 144 Tatmadaw Hluttaw representatives including Brig-Gen Maung Maung and the two earlier bills be submitted together with a bill amending the Constitution drawn up and submitted by the Joint Committee on amending the 2018 Constitution.

After the report was read, Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Speaker announced for Hluttaw representatives who want to discuss the matter to register their names.

Hluttaw put on record MNHRC Report

Afterwards, Myanmar National Human Rights Commission (MNHRC) Chairman U Win Mra responded to Hluttaw representatives’ discussion on MNHRC activity report for the period January to 24 September 2019 and requested the Hluttaw to put the report on record.

Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Speaker then announced the Hluttaw putting on record the MNHRC activity report for the period January to 24 September 2019, discussion of the Hluttaw representatives and the explanations of the union level organizations.

Hluttaw approves US$ 100 million loan World Bank IDA

Deputy Minister for Education U Win Maw Tun and Deputy Minister for Planning and Finance U Maung Maung Win next explained about Hluttaw approving US$ 100 million loan from World Bank’s International Development Association (IDA) to implement Ministry of Education’s all-inclusive quality education programme that was sent by the President.

As the Hluttaw voted 429 for without any against or abstaining votes, Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Speaker announced the Hluttaw approval of the loan.

Hluttaw discuss Joint Public Accounts Committee Report 15/2019

As a final agenda of the day U Myint Oo of Magway constituency, Tatmadaw Pyithu Hluttaw representative Major Sein Tun, U Thein Tun of Kyaunggon constituency, U Oo Tun Maung of Ponnagyun constituency, Dr Khin Sithu of Loikaw constituency, U Kyaw Tote of Mandalay Region constituency 7, Tatmadaw Pyithu Hluttaw representative Lt-Col Aung Kyaw Moe, Daw Tin Tin Yi of Kyunsu constituency, U Bo Gyi of Chauk constituency and Daw Wint War Tun of Shadaw Constituency discussed the Joint Public Accounts Committee Report 15/2019 on the committee’s findings and comments on implementation of construction works included in the fiscal year 2018-2019 budget for Ministry of Education Basic Education Department.

The sixth-day meeting of the 14th regular session of the Second Pyidaungsu Hluttaw is scheduled to be held on 18 November.—Aung Ye Thwin, Aye Aye Thant (MNA)

(Translated by Zaw Min)