Pyidaungsu Hluttaw records National Education Policy Commission Report

The 13th-day meeting of the Second Pyidaungsu Hluttaw’s 13th regular session was held at the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw meeting hall yesterday morning where Hluttaw put on record the six month report of National Education Policy Commission, discussed Joint Public Accounts Committee report 11/2019 and 12/2019.

National Education Policy Commission’s six-month report
First National Education Policy Commission and Union Minister for Education 

Dr Myo Thein Gyi responded to discussions made by Hluttaw representatives on the National Education Policy Commission six month (10 October 2018 to 9 April 2019) report.

During a discussion between MPs on the National Education Policy Commission’s report, Union Minister Dr Myo Thein Gyi provided details on the ministry’s efforts in the basic education sector, including the upgrade of schools, private schools, appointment of teachers, curriculum development for KG +12, fixing the imbalanced teacher-student ratio, teaching of ethnic literature, and running of vocational training schools.

He also explained the rules and regulations for the appointment and transfer of teachers, and measures being taken by the ministry.

Next Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Speaker announced the Hluttaw putting on record the National Education Policy Commission’s Six-month report, discussion of the Hluttaw representatives, explanation of National Education Policy Commission and the Union Minister for Education.

Discussion on Joint Public Accounts Committee report 11/2019
Afterwards, 10 MPs including U Bo Gyi of Chauk constituency and U Hla San of Magway Region constituency 1, discussed Joint Public Accounts Committee report 11/2019 about the committee’s findings and comments on Fiscal Year 2017-2018 Union Budget Law.

In his discussion, MP U Bo Gyi proposed taking action against those who are found weak in implementing projects, or promoting cooperation between the Planning and Finance Ministry and other ministries to make sure budget allocations do not remain unutilized.

Following the discussion Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Speaker announced that remaining programs regarding the findings and comments report 11/2019 will be conducted in the subsequent Pyidaungsu Hluttaw meeting.

Discussion on Joint Public Accounts Committee report 12/2019

Later, seven MPs discussed tax income list of Union Ministries and organizations during first six month of fiscal year 2018-2019 sent by the Union Government and the Joint Public Accounts Committee report 12/2019 about the committee’s findings on it.

U Ohn Khin of Pulaw constituency said relevant authortities should help speed up the emergence of new businesses in order to garner new tax revenue.

He said they must also unite on exposing those who evade tax by either hiding their businesses or using unfair measures to reduce their tax rates.

He said there are many dutiful citizens ready to pay their taxes and urged authorities to ensure good businesses can pay their taxes. — Mawsi, Hmwe Kyu Zin (Translated by Zaw Min)