Pyithu Hluttaw approves bill amending Myanmar Medical Council Law


20 November


A bill amending Myanmar Medical Council Law was approved during the fifth-day meeting of the 14th regular session of the Second Pyithu Hluttaw held in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday morning. The Hluttaw approved the replacement of members of committees and after asterisk marked questions were raised and answered. The Hluttaw also approved a report of Pyithu Hluttaw Education Promotion Committee after holding discussion on it.


Replacement of members of committees


At the meeting Pyithu Hluttaw Speaker U T Khun Myat obtained the consensus of the Hluttaw on replacement of Pyithu Hluttaw Economic and Financial Development Committee member Brig-Gen Aung Kyaw Nyein with Brig-Gen Tint Hsan and Pyithu Hluttaw Complaints and Appeals Committee member Col Nay Lin with Brig-Gen Tin San Naing and announced the Hluttaw’s approval on the replacements.


Asterisk marked question and answer session


In the asterisk marked question and answer session that follows questions raised by U Sein Bo of Myawady constituency on whether clearance was required from General Administration Department to take action against a village administrator and head of 100 household; U Yan Lin of Kyaiklet constituency on a plan to transfer the administration and management of pastureland from General Administration Department to more related Livestock Breeding and Veterinary Department; U Kham Khant Htan of Tonzang constituency on a plan to combine Tiddim and Tonzang townships in Chin State into Tonzang district; U Maung Myint of Mingin constituency on returning confiscated land in Yangon Region to their original owners; and U Toe Thaung of Mongmit constituency on plan to construct a new town in Mongmit District were answered by Deputy Minister for Office of the Union Government U Tin Myint. Similarly, questions raised by U Pe Du of Prusho constituency on promotion of middle school teachers and Dr Sein Mya Aye of Dala constituency on plan to build school buildings in No 4 Basic Education High School Dala and Gatt Village Primary School were answered by Deputy Minister for Education U Win Maw Tun.


Hluttaw approves bill amending Myanmar Medical Council Law


Next, Bill Committee member Dr Wai Phyo Aung tabled 19 amendment motions to the bill amending Myanmar Medical Council Law submitted by Health and Sports Development Committee and Pyithu Hluttaw Speaker obtained the decision of the Hluttaw and approved it after first seeking the comment of Ministry of Health and Sports. Pyithu Hluttaw Speaker then obtained the decision of the Hluttaw on approving the entire bill amending Myanmar Medical Council Law as amended clauses and sub-clauses wise. As there was no object, Pyithu Hluttaw Speaker announced the Hluttaw’s approval of the bill.


Hluttaw approves Pyithu Hluttaw Education Promotion Committee report after discussion


Afterwards U Phone Myint Aung of DaikU constituency, U Myat Lay Oo of Htilin constituency, Dr Saw Naing of South Okkalapa constituency, U Saw Victor Clyde of Thandaunggyi constituency, U Shwe Ko of Kyaukpadaung constituency, U Sein Myint of Myingyan constituency, U Myint Lwin of Twantay constituency, U Toe Win of Tamway constituency, U Min Thein of Taungtwingyi constituency, U Win Win of Minbu constituency, U Tun Tun of Pwintbyu constituency and Daw Nan Moe of Mongton constituency discussed the Pyithu Hluttaw Education Promotion Committee report about a study conducted on training, teaching and capability of basic education teachers for new generation education.


After the discussion Pyithu Hluttaw Education Promotion Committee secretary U Kham Khant Htan tabled a motion for the Hluttaw to agree and accept the report. Pyithu Hluttaw Speaker announced the Hluttaw’s agreement and acceptance of the report after obtaining the decision of the Hluttaw. The sixth-day meeting of the 14th regular session of the Second Pyihtu Hluttaw was scheduled to be held on 22November. — Aye Aye Thant


(Translated by Zaw Min)

