Pyithu Hluttaw approves motion on completing construction tenders, works in FY first quarter

At the 17th meeting of the Second PyithuHluttaw's 13th regular session in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday morning, a motion urging the Union government to implement fiscal change by calling for the completion of construction tenders and works in the first quarter of the fiscal year, starting from the 2019-2020 financial year, was approved after discussion by the Hluttaw.


Approval of motion on construction tenders and works

A motion tabled by Dr U Soe Moe Thu of Myaungmya constituency urging the union government to effectively implement fiscal year change by calling for construction tenders and works to be completed in the first quarter of the fiscal year starting from the forthcoming fiscal year was discussed by 25 MPs.

MP Daw Khin Sandi of Launglon constituency said Union Ministries and State/Regional Governments need to complete calls for tender and advertise them in newspapers within the month of October after receiving the letter of approval for fund allocation from the Budget Department.

She said since the waiting period is a month from advertising in the newspaper, the joint scrutinizing process and signing contracts with tender winning companies need to be finalized in December. She said this will allow effective construction to begin in the second three-week period and finish about 80 per cent of the project in the open season of the third three-week period.


Tatmadaw Hluttaw representative Lt-Col Khin Maung Swe said changing the designation of the financial year seems to reduce the time allotted for construction projects in the tender processes of the beginning of the open season and may cause difficulties in the rainy season when the projects have to finish up. He said these facts make the previous designation model for the financial year more suitable.

Discussing in support of the motion, Deputy Minister for Construction U Kyaw Lin explained the requirement of calling tender systematically according to President Office tender guideline 1/2017, obtaining approval and sanction for budget funding and work approval prior to the fiscal year, inclusion of systematically drawn up Feasibility Study Report in the Project Proposals and to systematically draw up design and drawings to calculate estimates and BQ.

Therefore construction work assessment and coordination group chairman was to conduct preliminary study of construction work, obtain approval for land, preparing model and estimate of construction works were to be conducted a year ahead of the year in which the work will be implemented. Necessary instructions and guidelines were distributed and preparing for all requirements were to be made well in advance in order for calling of construction and tender works could be completed in the first quarter of the fiscal year said the Deputy Minister.

All relevant ministries, state and region governments were also informed explained the Deputy Minister in support of the motion recommending the Hluttaw to approve it.

As Hluttaw representative that tabled the motion want Hluttaw’s approval of the motion and there was no objection from the Hluttaw, Pyithu Hluttaw Speaker announced the motion approved by the Hluttaw.


Question and answer session

In the question and answer session question raised by U Saw Victor Clyde of Thandaung constituency on plan to reform Thandaung Town Public Library was answered by Deputy Minister for Information U Aung Hla Tun.

Questions by U Khin Cho of Hlaingbwe constituency on plan to permit live export of buffalo and cattle and U Min Kyi of Thandwe constituency on the correct name of some villages in Thandwe district that were called in two different names were answered by Deputy Minister of Office of the Union Government U Tin Myint.

Questions by Dr U Khin Maung Maung of Dagon Myothit (North) constituency on plan to replace or strengthen existing suspension bridges; U Thein Tun of Kyaunggon constituency on when the construction of six rural roads by international organization could be implemented; U Myint Han Tun of Budalin constituency on the duties and responsibilities of township and other QCs and tender winning company and U Nyunt Win of Kanpetlet constituency on a plan to construct two baily bridges in Kanpetlet Township with union budget were answered by Deputy Minister for Construction U Kyaw Lin.


Oil Exploration, testing and production bill

After the question and answer session, Pyithu Hluttaw Speaker U T Khun Myat informed the Hluttaw that Oil Exploration, Testing and Production Bill sent by Union Government Office and the Oil Exploration, testing and production bill submitted by Pyithu Hluttaw electricity and energy development committee were the same and will be transferred to Pyithu Hluttaw Bill Committee for assessment.


Hluttaw approves Bill to amend Farmland Law

Afterwards, Bill Committee member U Zaw Min tabled amendments to the Bill to amend Farmland Law approved and sent with amendments by Amyotha Hluttaw and Pyithu Hluttaw Speaker obtained the decision of the Hluttaw and approved it.

Six amendment motions were then discussed by the Bill Committee and a Hluttaw representative and Pyithu Hluttaw Speaker obtained the consent of Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation and the Hluttaw and approved it.

Finally Pyithua Hluttaw obtained the approval of the Hluttaw to approved the Bill to amend Farmland Law as amended and announced the approval of the bill.18th-day meeting of the 13th regular session of Second Pyithu Hlutaw is scheduled to convene on 10 September.


Aye Aye Thant, Kyaw Zin Htike

(Translated by Zaw Min)