Pyithu Hluttaw approves Myanmar Insolvency Bill

15 November


Myanmar insolvency bill was approved during the fourth-day meeting of the 14th regular session of the Second Pyithu Hluttaw held in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday. Also at the meeting, asterisk-marked questions were asked and answered and a report on the Pyithu Hluttaw Judicial and Legal Affairs Committee was read.


Asterisk marked questions and answers

Seven questions were raised by Hluttaw representatives and answered by Deputy Minister for Transport and Communications U Thar Oo and Deputy Minister for Construction U Kyaw Lin.

MP Dr U San Shwe Win of Yekyi Constituency asked which ministries were cooperating on the e-Government Master Plan (2016-2020)to which U Thar Oo replied that the process requires continued updating and development by nature, and therefore requirements may change to accommodate the situation. He said the process is guided by the e-Government Steering Committee.

The Deputy Minister also answered to a question raised by MP U Thein Tan of Hlegu constituency on the legality of a closed Multi-purpose Community Telecentre operated by the Directorate of Communication as the building is losing computers and accessories and the flags of a political party has been set up on it.

MP U Myint Oo of Thanatpin Constituency asked if there were plans to reconstruct the steel-reinforced wooden bridge on the Thanatpin-KweTe road to a concrete one after it had been damaged by natural disasters.

Deputy Minister U Kyaw Lin replied that repairs to the bridge will be included in the budget of the 2019-2020 FY but upgrading it will be considered in the Bago Region cabinet’s budget proposal for 2020-2021 FY.

Questions by Dr Lin Lin Kyaw of Myittha Constituency, U Phone Myint Aung of DaikU Constituency, U Tun Wai of Phaungpyin Constituency and U Tin Aye of Metmung constituency covering plans to repair a damaged bridge, upgrading roads, built a bridge and continuing the laying of a village road in respective constituencies were answered by Deputy Minister for Construction U Kyaw Lin.


Hluttaw approves Myanmar Insolvency Bill

Next, Bill Committee secretary U Kyaw Soe Lin tabled a motion to approve the Myanmar Insolvency Bill with 737 points amended by the committee. Pyithu Hluttaw Deputy Speaker obtained the consensus of the Hluttaw and approved it.

Pyithu Hluttaw Deputy Speaker then obtained the Hluttaw’s opinion on approving the entire bill as amended by clauses and sub-clauses. As there was no objection, an announcement was made of the bill being approved.


Pyithu Hluttaw Judicial and Legal Affairs Committee Report

As a final agenda of the day, Pyithu Hluttaw Judicial and Legal Affairs Committee Report was read and submitted by committee member U Kyaw Htay. Pyithu Hluttaw Deputy Speaker announced for Hluttaw representatives who want to discuss the report to register their names.

The fifth-day meeting of the 14th regular session of the Second Pyithu Hluttaw will be held on 19 November.—Aye Aye Thant (MNA)

(Translated by Zaw Min)