Pyithu Hluttaw calls for youth training schools, infrastructure development in remote areas

19 September

The 22nd day meeting of Pyithu Hluttaw’s 13th regular session was convened yesterday, raising asterisk questions about the establishment of training schools and infrastructure development in fur-flung areas.

MP U Tin Aye from Metman constituency asked for the establishment of a youth training school for Wa (Lwel La), Lahu and Shan ethnics. Deputy Minister for Education U Win Maw Tun replied that the coordination meeting of Shan State government on 31 January 2019 discussed an allocation of 5-acre of land for the establishment of a youth training school in Metmung Township in Wa Self-Administered Division. If the land permit is received, the training school will be constructed with the budget from the Department of Social Welfare for 2020-2021 fiscal year.

MP U Naing Naing Win from Tamu constituency asked for setting up a training school for domestic science. Deputy Minister for Border Affairs Major General Than Htut replied that the plan for establishment of this training school is not included in the All-round National Development Project (2011-2012 to 2030-2031) of the Department of Education and Training.

However, the girls who are interested in the subject of domestic science can attend the Domestic Training School with accommodation in Kalay Township that is 81 miles away from the Tamu Township.

MP U Pe Du from Prusho constituency asked about more enrollment of candidates for the University of the Development of the National Races of the Union. Major General Than Htut replied that it would be possible only after constructing addition buildings, repairing old buildings, expanding organizational structure and employment of more teachers depending on available budgets in each fiscal year.

MP U Nyunt Win from Kanpetlet constituency asked for construction of a 66/KV sub-power station in Kanpetlet Township. Deputy Minister for Electricity and Energy Dr Tun Naing replied that it has been scheduled for construction of a sub-power station with the capacity of 66/11 KV 5 MVA , including 9-mile 66 KV power line from Saw sub-power station to Kanpetlet Township, under the Union Budget for 2020-2021 fiscal year.

MP U Tun Tun from Pwintbyu constituency asked about the timing for repairing the tarred road between Minbu(Saku) and No4 Textile Factory. Deputy Minister for Defence Rear Admiral Myint Nwe replied it.

MP U Aung Soe Min from Ywangan constituency asked for upgrading the inter-village road between Lin Way and Thein Gone in Ywangan Township in 2020-20101 fiscal year; MP Daw Nang Htwe Thu from Phasaung constituency asked for construction of a 400-ft long bridge that links Wan Oaung, Chee Twe and Saunglaw villages where the majority of residents are Kayah people. Deputy Minister Major General Than Htut replied the questions.

U Sai Okka from Laikha constituency asked for the return of 2.5 acre confiscated land in favour of township development programme although it was seized for construction of the township’s sub-power station; MP U Nyunt Aung from Monywa constituency asked for 2 acre of land each to be able to upgrade traditional oil refineries in Kyaukka village in Monywa Township, Phankhakyin oil fields and those from other areas in Sagaing Region. MP U Khin Maung Thi from Loilem constituency asked for round-the-clock power supply to the village-tracts of Taungnaut, Panwoe, Koneyaw, Namthtamo, East Pinlong and Naunglem.

The questions were answered by Deputy Minister Dr Tun Naing.

Bill to Protect from the Rise of Imported Goods

Then, Pyithu Hlutaw Deputy Speaker U Tun Tun Hein informed the Hluttaw about receiving the Bill to Protect from the Rise of Imported Goods sent by the Amyotha Hluttaw with amendments. It was read by Bill Committee Secretary U Kyaw Soe Lin.

The Deputy Speaker then announced to enlist the names of MPs who want to discuss the bill.
Chairman of Pyithu Hluttaw Education Promotion Committee Dr Tin Aung presented the committee’s investigation report on the skills of basic education teachers and training for new generation.

The Deputy Speaker announced to enlist the names of MPs who want to discuss the bill.

The report was read out by U Win Htoo, the member of Government’s Guarantees, Pledges and Undertaking Vetting Committee of the Pyithu Hluttaw.

The Deputy Speaker announced to enlist the name of MPs who want to discuss the bill.

The 23rd meeting of second Pyithu Hluttaw’s 13th regular session will be held on 19th September.

Aye Aye Thant, Kyaw Zin Hteik
(Translated by Aung Khin)