Pyithu Hluttaw debates on signing Int’l Covenant on Civil and Political Rights

Pyithu Hluttaw debated on signing International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) at the 18th-day meeting of the Second Pyithu Hluttaw’s 13th regular session held at Pyithu Hluttaw meeting hall in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday morning.


Question and answer session


In the question and answer session that the day’s Hluttaw program starts off Dr U San Shwe Win of Yekyi constituency first asked if there was a plan to establish a rehabilitation hospital for persons with disabilities in upper Myanmar to effectively implement enactments in the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Law 2015 and Rule 2017. Union Minister for Health and Sports Dr Myint Htwe said a hospital in Mandalay Region Madaya Township will be renamed and organized as a rehabilitation hospital for persons with disabilities where medical as well as surgical treatments can be conducted for persons with disabilities. The matter will be submitted to the Union Government so that the hospital can be renamed and organized as a rehabilitation hospital for persons with disabilities said the Union Minister.


Later, questions raised by Dr Daw Khin Sithu of Loikaw constituency on plan to expand methadone clinics beyond the present 55 clinics and U Saw Victor Clyde of Thandaunggyi constituency on plan to construct a sports ground in Thandaunggyi Town were also answered by Union Minister for Health and Sports Dr Myint Htwe.


Nay Pyi Taw Council member U Nyi Tun responded to a question raised by U Aung Kyaw Kyaw Oo of Hline constituency on arrangements made to distribute adequate supply of water to the increasing urban population in Yangon. U Nyi Tun explained that Yangon City Development Committee (YCDC) had drawn up a Master Plan with Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and development projects were drawn up to year 2040. Water distribution development project stage 1 Lagunpyin River water distribution project and Yangon City water distribution development project stage 2 Kokkowa River water distribution project were being implemented while Kokkowa River water distribution project stage 1, 2, 3, 4; Pan Hlaing River water distribution project and Toe River water distribution project were drawn up.


According to the Master Plan, Yangon’s population was estimated to increase up to 10 million by 2040 and the plan drawn up will provide water to 80 per cent of this population, explained U Nyi Tun.


Questions raised by U Maung Maung Oo of Insein constituency on plan to increase YCDC personnel and machineries in fiscal year 2019-2020 and Dr U Saw Naing of South Okkalapa constituency on including a futsal play ground in the three playgrounds planned for in South Okkalapa Township were also answered by Nay Pyi Taw Council member U Nyi Tun.Nay Pyi Taw Council member U Tin Tun on the other hand responded to a question raised by U Myint Tun of Taze constituency on the delay in implementing construction works planned for Taze Township in Fiscal Year 2018-2019.


Bill amending Myanmar Medical Council Law


Following the question and answer session Health and Sports Development Committee secretary Dr Than Win submitted a bill amending Myanmar Medical Council Law to the Hluttaw and bill committee member Dr Wai Phyo Aung read and explained a report on the bill.


Next, Pyithu Hluttaw Speaker U T Khun Myat announced for Hluttaw representatives who want to table amendment motions to register their names.


Hluttaw debates signing ICCPR


Finally a motion urging the country to become signatory of International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) tabled by Daw Thandar of Einme constituency was debated by Daw Mi Kun Chan of Paung constituency, U Myo Zaw Oo of Lewe constituency, Tatmadaw representative Lt-Col Zaw Tun Oo, Dr Daw Shwe Pon of Bago constituency, U Zaw Thein of Wakema constituency, U Maung Myint of Mingin constituency, Tatmadaw representative Col Myo Htat Win, U Lone Jone San Mai of Sumprabum constituency, Daw Ni Ni May Myint of Taungup constituency, U Myint Lwin of Twantay constituency, U Thaung Aye of Pyawbwe constituency, Tatmadaw represetntive Lt-Col Aung Zin Min, U Lwin Ko Latt of Thanlyin constituency and Tatmadaw representative Lt-Col Kyaw Moe Aung.


In discussing the motion Union Minister for International 


Cooperation U Kyaw Tin explained that signing ICCPR was considered as a priority aim and extensive studies were conducted to implement it with local laws. Signing it would show the political will of the country only and was not legally binding. But thought must be given toward acceding to it after signing it.


Comparison of current works conducted in the country with works to be conducted as enacted in the agreement need to be carried out. As it is required to know clearly what was done and what need to be done the aim was just to sign the agreement. Relevant ministries had not objected toward preliminary signing of the agreement but had suggested to comment on enactments in the agreement that were not acceptable to Myanmar and matters on understanding the definitions.


Efforts were made with an aim toward signing ICCPR during this year United Nations General Assembly period. But more time was needed to coordinate on the work processes. The ministry was striving toward signing the agreement in the coming years. As such the motion was urged to be put on record explained the Union Minister.


As Daw Thandar who tabled the motion want the matter to be put on record and kept in view, Pyithu Hluttaw Speaker obtained the decision of the Hluttaw. As there was no objection an announcement was made for the motion to be put on record on keep in view.


Next meeting of Second Pyithu Hluttaw’s 13th regular session is scheduled to be held on 11 September. 


— Aye Aye Thant, Kyaw Zin Htike (Translated by Zaw Min)