Pyithu Hluttaw discusses workers’ rights, ethnic population, groups 

15 Aug

THE tenth-day meeting of the Second Pyithu Hluttaw’s 13th regular session was held yesterday with MPs first discussing the motion tabled by MP U Maung Myint of Mingin constituency urging the Union government to ensure Myanmar workers receive full labour rights while working abroad and setting plans for the emergence of a labour intensive industry. 

Motion dismissed by assembly 

MP U Tin Aye of Metmung constituency seconded the motion, saying that the government needs to enact concrete policies, measures and projects to ensure long-term benefits of it citizens working both home and abroad as this duty is clearly defined in Sections 24 and 31 in the first chapter of the Constitution. 

MP U Sai Tun Sein of Mongpyin constituency said the government is tasked with providing suitable compensation for domestic workers as well. He agreed with the fact to enact policies and laws to boost the national economy and employment op portunities. U Sai Tun Sein said that since Myanmar is working towards establishing itself as a democratic nation, there should be ample calls for employment at home, sufficient benefits corresponding with work undertaken, a measure of safety for Myanmar workers abroad and adequate protection for their livelihoods. 

The motion was then further debated by nine Hluttaw representatives before hearing a response from the Union Minister for Labour, Immigration and Population, U Thein Swe, who said the Union government is working seriously towards the goals outlined in the motion, and thus, asked for it to be put on record. 

The Speaker called for a vote on the motion due to the differing opinions between its mover and the respective ministry. With the majority of the Hluttaw turning down the motion, the Speaker announced that the motion has been put on record. 

Procedure to alter town name 

Next, MP U Nan Mon Htin of Machanbaw constituency raised a question asking whether the relevant ministry has plans to allow the spelling of ‘baw’ in ‘Machanbaw’ to be altered to a higher tone. 

Deputy Minister for Office of the Union Government, U Tin Myint, replied that altering the spelling of the place first requires the local general administration department and administrators to survey the opinions of the local residents from the township level to the village level. He said the results of the survey and request to change the name would be submitted through the state cabinet up to the Union government and a decision would then be made on whether to allow the name change. 

No plans to categorize ethnic populations in 2014 census 

Next, MP U Hla Tun Kyaw of Maungtaw constituency raised a question asking whether there were plans to publish a population census for each ethnic race. 

Union Minister U Thein Swe replied that currently there are no plans to categorize the 2014 population census into ethnic races as there were disputes to certain spellings and inclusion of minor ethnicities that have yet to be resolved. He said a possible publication of that nature will be considered if a comprehensive agreement among the ethnic races can be reached. 

Pondering on relevance of 135 ethnic races 

MP U Saw Tun Mya Aung of Papun constituency raised a question asking whether there were plans to validate that there are 135 ethnic races in Myanmar. 

Union Minister U Thein Swe replied that although they have received numerous letters asking for designation as separate ethnic races and the number and spellings of minor ethnic races conflicted with each other during the 2014 population census survey, there are currently no plans to scrutinize whether the 135 ethnic races is still relevant to the present era.

Following this, the Union Minister for Construction U Han Zaw and Deputy Minister U Tin Myint replied to additional questions raised by MPs. 

The Speaker then announced they have received the Education, Research, Planning and Training Bill sent back with amendments from the Amyotha Hluttaw and called for MPs interested in submitting an amendment proposal to register their names. 

The 11th-day meeting of the current session of the Pyithu Hluttaw will be held 16 August. 

Mawsi, Mhwe Kyu Zin (Translated by Zaw Htet Oo)