Pyithu Hluttaw raises questions, discusses motion, reports

28 November

TH  14th  regular  session  of  the-Second  Pyithu  Hluttaw  held  its  8th  day  meeting  yesterday,  with  answers  to  asterisk  questions,  tabling  motion  and  two  annual  reports of committees.

MP U Nyunt Win from Kan-petlet  constituency  asked  for  opening  a  branch  of  agriculture  bank in Kampetlet Township.

Deputy  Minister  for  Plan-ning and Finance replied that an agriculture development bank is required to provide financial as-sistance to the farmers in Mindat, Matupi,  Paletwa  and  Kanpetlet  townships in southern Chin State, and that the ministry is discussing it with the Chin State government.

MP  U  Aung  Soe  Min  from  the Ywangan constituency asked for providing fire station and fire engines  for  the  Myinkyadoe  village-tract in Ywangan Township.

Deputy  Minister  for  Home  Affairs Major General Aung Thu refused  the  request  as  the  ministry  is  implementing  in  Shan  State to get land permits for fire stations, to construct staff accom-modations, and to add more fire engines.  However,  he  remarked availability  of  three  fire  engines  from Ywangan Township and two fire engines from Myogyi area in the incidents of blaze in Myinyka-doe village-tract.

MP  U  Sai  Ba  Thein  from  Langkho  constituency  asked  to  know about timing for construction  of  quality  staff  quarters  at  the  police  station  in  Langkho  Township.

Major  General  Aung  Thu  replied  the  ministry  will  submit  a proposal in 2020-2021 financial year for construction of a two-storey-6 units apartment.

MP  Daw  Cho  Cho  from  Ot-twin  constituency  asked  about  agriculture  loan  plan  based  on  pragmatic  situations, MP U Sai  Kham  Oo  from  Hsenwi  constit-uency  about  submitting  fund  request for state-level construc-tion  projects  together  with  the  feasibility  study  report  and  the  documents  of  design,  drawing,  estimate and B.Q.

The  questions  were  an-swered  by  Deputy  Minister  U  Maung Maung Win.

MP U Maung Maung Oo from Insein constituency asked for de-ploying  more  traffic  police  force  in  Insein  Township,  and  MP  U  Tin Htwe from Waw constituency about plans to build up efficiencies of police force including manpow-er and fundamental needs.

Major General Aung Thu re-plied these questions.

Motion for cultivation and conservation of mangrove forests along coastal area

MP  U  Aye  Naing  from  Da-gon Myothit (south) constituency explained a motion to urged the union government for cultivation and  conservation  of  mangrove  forests along the coastal areas of the  country  to  prevent  the  risks  of natural disasters and to adapt global climate changes.

He said that the motion was aimed  for  supporting  reduction  of  climate  changes,  preventing  natural  disasters  such  as  cy-clones,  flood  and  soil  erosions,  re-cultivating mangrove forests, reforestation projects and restor-ing natural habitats, expansion of the Mangrove Conservation Unit under  the  Forest  Department,  and  establishment  of  a  coastal  area  natural  resources  conser-vation department.

He also suggested the Hlut-taw  to  discuss  his  motion  to  in-crease fishery resources, protect-ing  from  cyclones,  reduction  of  climate change risks and mitigat-ing environmental deterioration.

MP  U  Mahn  Nyunt  Thein  from  Pantanaw  constituency  supported the motion.

The Pyithu Hluttaw Speaker announced to submit the names of  Hluttaw  representatives  who  want to discuss the motion.

Approval of Myanmar Med-ical Degree, Diploma and Certificate Bill

Then,  Myanmar  Medical  Degree, Diploma and Certificate Bill,  sent  back  by  the  Amyotha  Hluttaw with recommendations, was  tabled  by  Secretary  of  Bill  Committee U Kyaw Soe Lin in the version of Amoytha Hluttaw. The Pyithu Hluttaw Speaker asked the remarks of Ministry of Health and Sports on the bill.

The  bill  was  then  ap-proved by the Pyithu Hlut-taw  without  any  objection  on  recommendations  of  Amyotha Hluttaw. The bill is  said  to  be  approved  by  the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw as both houses have approved it.

The  annual  report  of  Pyithu Hluttaw Health and Sports Development Com-mittee was read out by its Secretary  Dr  Than  Win.  The  report  presented  the  committee’s works on pro-motion of health and sport sectors  in  the  past  three  years, reviewing, amending and enactments of laws and regulations at the Ministry of Health and Sports in ac-cordance  with  the  Pyithu Hluttaw procedures.

The  Pyithu  Hluttaw  Speaker then announced to submit the names of Hlut-taw  representatives  who  want to discuss the report.

The  annual  report  of  Pyithu Hluttaw Natural Re-sources and Environmental Conservation was present-ed  by  its  members  Daw  Nan Khin Saw, followed by the  announcement  of  the  Pyithu Hluttaw Speaker to submit the names of Hlut-taw  representatives  who  want to discuss the report.

The  ninth-day  of  14thregular  session  of  second  Pyithu  Hluttaw  will  con-vene on 29 November.—Aye Aye Thant (MNA)

(Translated  by  Aung  Khin)