Regional Govt. donates oxygen concentrators, oxygen cylinders to Tamu Twsp.

Tamu, 15 November


A ceremony to hand over oxygen cylinders and oxygen concentrators provided by regional government to people’s hospital was held in Tamu Township, Sagaing Region on 15 November.


At the event, chairman of the District Administration Council U Kyaw Anh Maung and members, chairman of the Township Administration Council U Maung Maung Kyi and officials handed over five oxygen concentrators and 30 oxygen cylinders to the Township medical superintendent Dr. Thu Ya and Specialist Dr. Thein Naing Oo. 


The oxygen concentrators and oxygen cylinders will be used for COVID-19 patients in the Township, according to an official from the hospital. As of November 15, Tamu Township registered 180 confirmed COVID-19 cases and 55 related deaths.—Kyaw Kyi(Tamu) 
Translated by JT