Relief items provided to disabled people in Mohnyin Tsp.

Mohnyin 3 October


A ceremony to provide relief items and COVID-19 preventative equipment to persons with disabilities in IDP camps in Mohnyin Township, Kachin State was held at a camp in Owatkyin Ward yesterday.


At the ceremony, Chairman of Township Disabled People Pioneer Group U Tun Khin gave rice, bean, cooking oil, canned fish, salt, onion, mask, hand sanitizer and personal hygiene to eleven persons with disabilities in the camp opened in Owatkyin Ward.


The disabled people in Hopin and Indawgyi will be provided. In the township, there are a total of 204 persons with disabilities and out of which 150 disabled people were provided by the Head Office, said the Chairman.

Kyaw Kyaw Htwe (IPRD)


Translated by Suyee