Relief items provided to fire victims in Hinthada Tsp.

Hinthada, 5 May


Relief items were provided to fire victims in Thonbingon Ward on Kantharya Road, Hinthada Township, Ayeyarwady Region this morning.


First of all, U Thein Zaw Htike, Assistant Director of the Township Department of Disaster Management clarified the purpose of the provision of relief items for fire victims and handed over K 1.2 Million for building materials, rescue kit box with 16 items and six boxes to six families whose homes were destroyed by fire.


Also present on the occasion were the Amyotha Hluttaw Representative U Htein Win, MP U Kyaw Soe of Regional Hluttaw, Chairman of the Township Management Committee U Myo Tint Zaw and Assistant Director of the District Department of Disaster Management U Thein Zaw Htike.


The fire broke out Thonbingon Ward in the town of Hinthada on 4 May and destroyed six houses.—Kyaw Kyaw, IPRD


Translated by JT