Representatives from Myanmar attend the Eighth World Buddhist Summit

The Ambassador of Myan­mar to Japan, U Soe Han, and representatives from the Min­istry of Religious Affairs and Culture attended the opening ceremony of the Eighth World Buddhist Summit, which took place at The Royal Grand Hall of Buddhism in Tokyo, Japan, on 14 September.


The ceremony was also attended by Venerable Sayadaw Dr Bhaddanta San­dhima Bhivamsa, Secretary Sayadaw of the State Sangha Maha Nayaka, and Venera­ble Sayadaw Dr Bhaddanta Dhammasami (Oxford Sayad­aw), the rector of Shan State Buddha University (Taung­gyi), according to the Minis­try of Foreign Affairs.


Buddhist monks and Buddhist associations from 32 countries, representatives from the United Nations, ambassadors from the em­bassies based in Japan and representatives also attended the opening ceremony.


The Eighth World Bud­dhist Summit held 13-15 September was organized by Nenbutsushu Sam Pozan Muryojuji Temple in Kato City, Japan. — ASH/TH