Rescue operation for two trapped miners underway in Mogok

Mogok, 9 March


An earthquake with a magnitude of 4.8 on the Richter scale, with its epicenter inside Myanmar hit about 22 miles northeast of Thabeikkyin Township in Mandalay Region.


It was recorded at 10:35 a.m. on 7 March at latitude of 23.19°N, and longitude of 96.07°E, with a depth of 6 kilometers said the Kanbalu seismological observatory. Following the earthquake, a ruby mine with 350 ft. deep near Myayme Village, Mogok Township collapsed, trapping five miners. Local policemen and firefighters are said to have rushed to the scene of accident to carry out a search and rescue operation.


At about 11:30 p.m. on 7 March, three people including U Win Shwe, 55, were rescued alive by members of the rescue team. A search operation for two men including U Hla Win, 55, is ongoing by rescuers.—MOHA


Translated by Kyaw Htike Soe