Rice-drying machine goes into operation in YeU

YeU, 16 January

An opening event of a rice-drying machine built by the Agricultural Mechanization Department was held in ChaungU Township, Sagaing Region this morning in conjunction with a demonstration to local farmers.

At the ceremony, Director from AMD U Khin Maung Zin gave a speech and officials from the department demonstrated systematic operation of the machine. Next, the lawmaker opened the rice-drying machine by pressing a button. The Chinese-made machine can dry up to 500 paddy baskets per hour and helps the farmers protect the risks of damaging the paddy at the lowest level. The facility was built at a cost of Ks. 50.25 million.

Among the attendees were the Lower House MP Dr. Min Thein, Assistant Township Administrator U Kyaw Min Khaing from the General Administration Department, departmental staff and local people.—Than Than (YeU)

Translated by Kyaw Htike soe