Rice pack sales resume in supermarkets at reasonable prices

Sale of rice packs (consumer packs) resumed in Nay Pyi Taw, Yangon, Mandalay and other cities after the temporary halt of sales due to recent measures to stabilize the domestic rice prices. Previously, consumer packs were sold at much higher levels, which led to a tempo­rary halt, and now consumers can purchase at much more reasonable prices.


Myanmar Rice Federation (MRF) Chairperson U Ye Min Aung said that recent measures aimed to stabilize domestic rice prices, es­pecially the premium-quality rice consumer packs such as Pawsan.


The Department of Consumer Affairs (DCA) under the Ministry of Commerce issued reasonable market prices as reference prices for June 2024. All supermarkets and marts must comply with the reference price benchmarks, which guarantee reasonable margins and profits for all involved stakeholders while ensuring reasonableness and accessibility. — GNLM