ROK donates 44,000 COVID-19 Antigen Test kits to Myanmar

17 Nov

The Republic of Korea donated US$425,360 worth of 44,000 COVID-19 Antigen Test kits to Myanmar yesterday.

The donation was made through the ASEAN-Korea Cooperation Fund set up for providing relief supplies to the ASEAN countries affected by COVID-19 pandemic, and Myanmar received the first and foremost assistance of the fund.

At the donation ceremony, Union Minister for Health and Sports expressed thanks for the medical supplies of Korea Foundation for International Healthcare (KOFIH), and other Korean organizations, including about $3 million worth of medical supplies by the ROK government.

Korean Ambassador to Myanmar Mr Lee Sang-hwa explained the donation and extended congratulations to the ruling National League for Democracy for its victory in the recent multiparty general elections in line with the rules and directives of Ministry of Health and Sports.

The donation has coincided with the event of ASEAN-Korea Summit, and ROK President Mr Moon Jae-in has announced the upgrade of existing ‘New Southern Policy’ into the ‘New Southern Policy Plus’ with seven prioritized sectors, including cooperation in health issue.

Ms Oh You Na, the First Secretary of ROK embassy, explained the ‘New Southern Policy Plus’, followed by the remarks of Mr Ahn Jong-soh, the local representative from KOFIH Myanmar Office on further preliminary healthcare services in Myanmar.

MNA (Translated by Aung Khin)