ROK donates rapid antigen test kits to COVID-19 national committee

18 Oct

The Republic of Korea contributed Rapid Antigen Diagnostic Test Kits to the National-Level Central Committee on Prevention, Control and Treatment of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) yesterday.

A ceremony to hand over the test kits was held at the Medical Research Department in Yangon.

At the ceremony, Ambassador of the Republic of Korea Mr Lee Sang-hwa said that ROK was providing medical supplies and laboratory equipment for the COVID national committee.

During the ceremony of donating laboratory equipment by ROK in May, Union Minister Dr Myint Htwe expressed his support for the facts included in the speech of ROK President Mr Moon Jae-in at the 73rd World Health Assembly, he said.

He continued that it is important to share information and experience about COVID-19 among the countries, the pandemic is a problem that is bigger than expected, and the countries are fighting against the virus with the experiences gained in the first wave.

ROK already shared the experiences of successful holding of elections during COVID-19 to the officials of the Ministry of Health and Sports.

Standard Q COVID-19 Rapid Antigen Diagnostic Test Devices were additionally provided as testing capacity is somewhat important in controlling and combatting the virus.

Although there are hardships caused by COVID-19, they can become the opportunities for improving health sector.

ROK had been in cooperation and friendship with Myanmar for many years, and further cooperation will be promoted, he added.

Union Minister Dr Myint Htwe said that ROK Government, ROK-based companies and 22 social organizations has donated medical supplies and laboratory equipment worth over US$ 2.5 million to Myanmar, and the donation of the test kits helped Myanmar increase its testing capacity. He further said that our country could conduct continuous testing of COVID-19 because of assistance from ROK and cooperation from ROK Ambassador and ROK Embassy officials.

Information and experiences about COVID-19 in Myanmar will be exchanged with ROK.

The provision of assistance during the COVID period will promote the friendship between the two nations and will be beneficial for long term, he added.

ROK Ambassador handed over 95,000 diagnostic test devices worth US$ 500,000 donated by Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) to Director-General of Medical Research Department Prof. Dr Zaw Than Tun who returned certificate of honour.

The event was also attended by Deputy Minister Dr Mya Lay Sein, Permanent Secretary Prof. Dr Thet Khaing Win, Director-General of the Union Minister’s Office Dr Tha Tun Kyaw, Chief Representative of KOICA Myanmar Ms Lee Young-Soo and officials from ROK Embassy in Myanmar. 

MNA (Translated by Kyaw Zin Tun)