Rural electrification facility launched in Myittha Township

Myittha, 31 December


A ceremony to inaugurate a rural electrification facility was held in Letpanseik Village, Myittha Township in Mandalay Region on 29 December.


On the occasion, the Pyithu Hluttaw Representative Dr. Lin Lin Kyaw, Regional Lawmaker for No.2 Constitency Daw Thin Mya Mya Thin, and Township Administrator U Aung Moe delivered open speeches. Next, an official from the township Electricity Supply Enterprise shared knowledge about safety measures of electricity and the chairman of village electrification committee spoke words of thanks.


Afterwards, the Lower House MP, regional legislators and the chairman of village electrification committee unveiled the rural electrification structure. The power facility was built under the National Electrification Plan (NPE) in the fiscal year 2018-2019.—Mya Mya Mon (IPRD)


Translated by Kyaw Htike Soe