Rural road being built in remote Naga Self-Administered Zone

Leshi, 29 June

A rural road is being built in Yanngwe Village, Leshi Township in Naga Self-Administered Zone in Sagaing Region and the project has been about 90 percent finished so far.

The road being built by the Department of Rural Development is aimed at facilitating rural people transport their products to the markets in a convenient manner. The earthen road is two miles long, and 12 ft. wide and is developed by a tender winning private company with Ks. 90.75 million funded by the DRD in the present financial year.

Upon completion of the road, it is expected to benefit 671 acres of farmland belonging to residents from 130 households in the village.

Soe Moe Kyaw
Translated by Kyaw Htike Soe