Rural water supply project in Pauktaw village, Dekkhinathiri Township inspected

Dekkhinathiri 18 December


With the aim of distributing drinking water in all seasons in Pauktaw village, Dekkhinathiri Township, Lewe District, Nay Pyi Taw, officials from the Township Department of Rural Development is implementing water supply system in the village. On 17 December, officials from the department made an inspection in the village. 


The officials inspected digging a 400 feet deep tube well, installation of water pump, construction of a water tank capable of storing 5000 gallons of water and a water plant and related works. Then, the officials met with members of village water distribution committee and responsible people from the company and urged them to meet the set standard within the target date.


The project is being conducted with K 20.420 million allocated by Union Budget under the supervision of the officials from the Township DRD. It is being conducted by Win Htet Taw Win Company starting from fourth week of August and now it has been completed by 75 percent, according to an official from the Township Department of Rural Development. 


Cho Than Nyunt (Kyaylatt)
Translated by Suyee