SAC Chairman C-in-C of Defence Services Senior General Min Aung Hlaing virtually meets senior officer instructors, trainees at NDC

Chairman of the State Admin­istration Council Command­er-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Min Aung Hlaing deliv­ered a speech to senior officer instruc­tors and senior officer trainees of the National Defence College through vid­eoconferencing yesterday morning.


In his speech, the Senior General said that although only senior military officers were selected to attend the Na­tional Defence College in the past, now senior civilian officers are also chosen to attend the same course. If nobody thoroughly carries out their tasks with­out political, economic, administrative and defence outlooks, these tasks will be requirements for the State. Depart­mental heads must be capable of serving their duties with these four outlooks. Trainees have to discuss with each other and study for the whole year, so it is a valuable training course. As such, they have to try hard to benefit the State. Trainees have to push hard to contribute to themselves and the State through their experiences.


In political affairs, the Senior Gen­eral noted that Myanmar is a sovereign nation with water and land territories under a strong historical background. Although the country gained develop­ment in relevant eras, it gradually lags behind the development of contemporary countries and some neighbouring coun­tries. In the mathematics and industrial technology of the education sector, the country faces many weak points, and it is far from other countries. Hence, the Senior General urged all to discover lessons based on the aforesaid points for the sake of the nation.


Afterwards, the Senior General clarified invasion of colonialists to My­anmar to take out natural resources and independence struggle of the My­anmar people, competition of socialists and capitalists in the pre- and post-inde­pendence periods, ethnic armed conflicts triggered by instigation of colonialist gov­ernment and different political doctrines and economic policies, occurrences of unrests and uprisings due to weakness in management of the socialism with downtrend of the State economy, efforts of the Tatmadaw for taking the State responsibilities in September 1988 due to deterioration of sovereignty of the na­tion, leading the endeavours of initiating the multiparty democratic system the people aspire to, drawing the Constitu­tion in conformity with the democratic system, discussions of people from all walks of life to draft the Constitution at the National Convention, approval of the Constitution (2008) through the referen­dum, serving the State responsibilities by the State Administration Council under the Constitution (2008) due the fact that the voting fraud could not be solved in the 2020 multiparty democratic general election, implementation of two political and national visions each by the State Ad­ministration Council, continuous walking on the path to the multiparty democratic system, preparaitons to hold a free and fair election, implementing the missions and visions for development of the nation, turning out the educated citizens, and future plans to fortify political, economic and military might for the State.


Also present at the meeting were SAC Vice-Chairman Deputy Command­er-in-Chief of Defence Services Com­mander-in-Chief (Army) Vice-Senior General Soe Win, Chief of the Gener­al Staff (Army, Navy and Air) General Maung Maung Aye, senior military of­ficers from the Office of the Command­er-in-Chief (Army), the commandant of the college, senior officer instructors and senior officer trainees. — MNA/TTA