SAC member Daw Aye Nu Sein, MoE Union minister inspect schools in Sittway Township

December 17


STATE Administration Council Member Daw Aye Nu Sein, Union Minister for Education Dr Nyunt Pe and Rakhine State Minister for Economy U San Shwe Maung went to No (2) BEHS in Sittway yesterday.


During the visit, they urged the teachers to work together for the development of schools and teach the students to produce educated youths, and they instructed the necessary things regarding the cleanliness of school compounds and fulfilment of school buildings, computers and playgrounds.


The SAC member and the Union minister also inspected Bauktheesu BEPS, North Yupa BEPS, Tayathee BEPS and Makyeemyaing BEHS Branch in Sittway Township.


Similarly, the Union minister made school inspection tours around No (3) BEHS, No (5) BEHS, No (7) BEMS and Kyaungtatlan basic education post-primary school in Sittway on 14 and 15 December. —MNA