SAC Member DPM MoTC UM: National Water Law vital for multipurpose management, development

State Administration Council Member Deputy Prime Minis­ter Union Minister for Trans­port and Communications General Mya Tun Oo, as Chair­man of the National Water Law Drafting Steering Committee, attended the 1/2024 meeting of the central committee in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday.


First, the General said the government mainly focuses on drafting water law that can cover all the exiting laws and rules to arrange water-relat­ed matters systematically and fulfil the needs. Therefore, the National Water Law Drafting Steering Committee was or­ganized to draft the national water law.


The General highlighted the formation of National Level Water Resources Committee in 2013 as a drive for drafting national level water policy and national water law, release of national level water policy in 2015, holding of workshop for drafting national water law (draft), formation of nation­al water law task force and reconstitution by SAC on 12 December 2022.


He continued that the min­istry reorganized the national water law task force on 28 No­vember 2023, and the second national water law (draft) was revived based on the opinions and suggestions for first draft law submitted by the relevant departments and committees.


He then urged the par­ticipants to work together for the emergence of national wa­ter law as it is vital in imple­menting multipurpose water resources management and sustainable development.


Then, Deputy Minister U Aung Kyaw Tun, also secre­tary of the steering committee, briefed the attendees on the national water law drafting processes, and the attendees coordinated the discussion.


The General made proper instructions and concluded the meeting. — MNA/KTZH