SAC Member observes fertilizer spreading ceremony

December 19


State Administration Council Member Mahn Nyein Maung attended yesterday’s fertilizer spreading ceremony for summer paddy fields financed by the State’s economic development funds in Kyaunggon Township, Ayeyawady Region. The ceremony took place on 7.36 acres owned by U Soe Min Aung and three acres belonging to U Than Aung at Yaungpyitkwin Village in Kyaunggon Township.


The SAC member also met with local farmers and discussed the monsoon paddy harvest and cultivation of summer paddy. He observed a solar-powered water pumping system. He then proceeded to Tagundaing Village in Kyaunggon Township to inspect the construction of a 130×30-feet two-storey school building funded by the Union Funds. He talked with town elders, teachers, and residents, offering support.


Later, he oversaw the collection of biographic and biometric data of the residents and household lists, issuing national registration cards by the Ministry of Immigration and Population. He handed out the finished citizenship scrutiny cards to the residents.


He travelled to Kyaiklat Township in Pyapon District to visit Wilmar Myanmar Riceland Kyaiklat Limited. He observed the milling and drying of rice and instructed the company officials to cooperate with farmers through contract farming. He also inspected the winches used at the port and the electricity generation process utilizing paddy husk-fuelled boilers. — MNA/NT