SAC members call for ancient heritage conservation in MraukU

December 17


STATE Administration Council Members Mahn Nyein Maung and U Moung Har, accompanied by Union Minister U Maung Maung Ohn and Deputy Minister U Zaw Aye Maung, discussed systematic conservation of ancient cultural heritage during their visit to MraukU from Sittway yesterday.


y. First, the SAC members observed ancient architecture and cultural heritage at Koethaung and Shitthaung stupas. They then urged officials to appreciate and conserve the 1,000-year-old language, literature and cultural heritage of the Rakhine people.


They also visited the museum and viewed artefacts displayed at the museum. They called on systematic prepa


rations to catch tourist interest and conserve the cultural heritage.


The officials then went to Pawtawmu Yanpyay Manpyay Pagoda, Candamuni (Pawtawmu) Sutaungpyae Maha Kyan Pagoda, built by King Canda Thuriya Sakka.


They met with the ethnic culture associations of Rakhine, Mro, Khami, Dainet and Thet in the evening.


During the meeting, SAC Member Mahn Nyein Maung called for open discussion regarding challenges in respective areas, and he said to write to him regarding the needs of locals and to cooperate in conserving the ethnic literature.


Then, SAC Member U Moung Har highlighted the need to learn the respective ethnic languages not to occur disappearance from ethnicity and to follow the enacted laws.


Then, Union Minister U Maung Maung Ohn, Deputy minister U Zaw Aye Maung and other officials coordinated the discussion.—MNA