Sagu scouts explore Shwesettaw Mannchaung Elephant Camp on field trip

A basic scout training batch 1 is under­way for five days from 22 to 26 December with 93 participants at Sagu Private High School No 1, Minbu Township, Minbu District, Magway Region, on the morn­ing of 25 December.


A total of 93 scouts conducted a practical field trip on the camping train­ing subject on the sandy beach beside Mann Creek at the Shwesettaw Man­nchaung Recreational Elephant Camp.


The youth scouts worked diligently on scouting activities, including camp­ing fire, climbing and walking on foot and tent pitching, supervised by their teachers.


"The scouts are trained to know the history and purpose of scouting, to learn to live together in a spirit of unity and love, and to be able to manage and use the food items in their possession in an orderly manner," explained Daw Moe Sue, the leader of the scout group.


In the afternoon, the scouts visited the elephant camp, and Daw Su Yie Phyo, in charge of the elephant camp, explained the purpose of opening the elephant camp, the service activities of the elephant camp, the activities of the baby elephants and the daily activities of the elephant camp.


After that, the young scouts fed the baby elephants and enjoyed elephant rides while observing the beauty of the natural forest, mountains, and water. — Maung Maung (Minbu)/KZL