The Saidin Waterfall : Rakhine Natural Beauty

By Aung Kyi Moe (Sittway)

Rakhine State has a lot of scenic coasts and beautiful mountain ranges, having a lot of scenic beauty and natural gifts. Among the beauties, beautiful Saidin Waterfall, situated in the Mayu area, Buthidaung Township, is the largest and highest one in the Rakhine coastal strip. As the waterfall is in the Saidin stream in Buthidaung Town, it is popularly called the Saidin Waterfall. The waterfall is about 70 feet high and 700 feet wide. It flows through the fractured rocks between two mountain ranges of 500 feet in height. The catchment area is about 30 miles long and 15 miles wide, long enough to reach the northern border of Bangladesh. As the natural bamboo forest is near the waterfall, bamboo shoots are in abundant supply for the Buthidaung town. The Saidin area is full of natural beauties, having much rock mass where a lot of herbs keep growing. Efforts are being made to produce natural hydroelectricity supply and paper from the bamboo forests.

Seven tiers in Saidin Waterfall

The Waterfall is located 50 miles north of Sittway and 30 miles northeast of Buthidaung town. The Waterfall has seven tiers; during the open season, the Waterfall is filled with holidaymakers and those who ride on bamboo rafts. They play on a wide area of water and jump on tiers and tiers of water. If those who want to pay a visit to the Waterfall, they can go there by propeller-driven boats from the Buthidaung Town, and cars and motorcycles from Buthidaung along the road across the Buthidaung, Yathedaung, Punnagyun and Sittway townships.

As the Waterfall is located at the top of Mayu River, it takes about an hour by propeller-driven boats and one and a half hour by motorcycles. The region where the name of Saidin town near the Waterfall was once situated under the ancient kings is called the Saidin Waterfall. That is why the Great Donthein Stupa was once built and worshipped by ancient kings. Donthein Stupa is surrounded by 12 small pagodas and is somewhat similar to the Htokekanthein Stupas from MraukU. During the British rule, the Rakhine wealthy man U Kyaw Khine built and worshipped big Pagoda of 31 planes of existence in Mayu area.

For the benefits of local populace

Tourists across Myanmar are urged to pay at least a visit to the scenic Waterfall so that they view the Waterfall and worship the ancient Donthein Stupa in Mayu area; if efforts for the tourism by the government are encouraged, then it would be beneficial for local populace.

Translated by Arakan Sein