School facility handed over to Education Dept.

Ngaputaw 4 June


A ceremony to hand over a school building to Bonkyaw Monastic Education in Ngabutaw, Ayeyawady Region was held at the building this morning.




The school building was formally opened by Mr. YoSuKe TaNaKa, second secretary of Japanese Embassy to Myanmar, Township Education Officer U Maung Maung Aye and chairman of school building construction committee U Tin Aung. Then, they sprinkled the scented water on the inscription. Next, the officials looked around the school building.


Afterwards, MP Dr. Soe Thein of regional Hluttaw gave remarks. The second secretary Mr. YoSuKe TaNaKa clarified the purpose of the construction of the school building and handed over proper documents related to the school building to Township Education Officer who also spoke words of thanks. 




The school building with 70 ft in length, 30 ft in width and 24 ft in height was constructed with USD 87,000 contributed by the Government of Japan and its people under the 2017 Small Scale Support Program. 


Hla Min Htut (IPRD)            
Translated by Suyee