School facility inaugurated in Pauk Township

Pauk, 14 July


The opening ceremony of a new school structure that was built under the Community-Driven Development was held at the basic education high school (branch) in Thanbayaai Village, Pauk Township in Magway Region this morning.


At first, Magway Regional Minister for Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation U Win Maw Htay gave a speech. Then, the chairman of the village CDD committee briefed construction of the school building. Next, the regional minister, the Pyithu Hluttaw Representative U Ye Tun Win, the regional lawmaker, an official from the Department of Rural Development and concerned officials formally opened the school building.


The facility measuring 90 ft. in length, 30 ft. in width and 12 ft. in height was built with Ks. 14.1 million financed under the CDD and donated by local people.—Soe Moe Kyaw
Translated by Kyaw Htike Soe
