School family day held in Sidoktaya

Sidoktaya 17 January


A ceremony to mark school family day and prize-distribution was held at No. 1 Basic Education Middle School (Branch) in Sidoktaya, Minbu District, Magway Region yesterday.


First, Deputy Township Administrator U Kyaw Naing Oo and Head of the Sidoktaya Basic Education High School U Thein Zaw gave opening remarks. Then, Head of the No.1 BEMS (Branch) clarified the purpose of the holding of school family day.


It was followed by a prize-distribution ceremony in which exceptional students awarded by Deputy Township Administrator, Head of the BEHS, Head of the BEMS (Branch) and departmental personnel.


At the ceremony, a total of 101 prizes were awarded to the exceptional students and the students performed entertainment program to the attendees.

Khin Than Hlaing (IPRD)

Translated by Suyee