School upgrading ceremony takes place in Wundwin Township

Wundwin, 23 June

An inauguration of an upgraded basic education middle school was held in Yonepingon Village, Wundwin Township in Mandalay Region on 22 June.




At first, the Pyithu Hluttaw Representative U Khin Maung Soe, an official from the township education office and headmaster U Myo Min Tun cut a ceremonial ribbon to open the upgraded school and sprinkled scented water on stone inscription of the facility. The Lower House MP then gave an opening speech and the official from the township education office clarified matters relating to the upgrade of the school.

Next, the village administrator spoke words of thanks and the headmaster presented commemorative flags to the Lower House lawmaker, township education officer and the village administrator.—IPRD

Translated by Kyaw Htike Soe