Scientists design injectable, wireless sensor for brain signal monitoring

This innovation opens new avenues for clinical monitoring of physiological indicators, offering a less invasive and more efficient solution.


A TEAM of researchers from Chi­na and Singapore has designed an implantable miniaturized sensor capable of conducting wireless ultrasonic monitoring of signals within the human skull.


In the clinical monitoring of physiolog­ical indicators like intracranial pressure, the use of conventional wired sensors de­mands surgical implantation. Additionally, the wireless sensors currently available are relatively large, requiring minimally invasive surgery.


The researchers from Huazhong Uni­versity of Science and Technology (HUST) and Nanyang Technological University de­veloped a hydrogel cube sensor, measuring just two millimetres in size, which can be implanted into the intracranial space using a puncture needle.


Upon injection, the hydrogel deforms in response to physiological environmental changes, which results in shifts of the peak frequency of the reflected ultrasound waves. These shifts can be non-invasively meas­ured wirelessly by an external ultrasound probe, according to the study published on Wednesday in the journal Nature.


The sensor is capable of independently measuring intracranial pressure, temper­ature, pH, and flow rate, with a detection depth reaching up to 10 centimetres.

SOURCE: Xinhua