Seamless freshwater fish shipments to bolster exports

The Sanpya Fish Market (Aung­mingala Port) was recognized as a temporary port that allowed freshwater export to Bangladesh.


Bangladesh ranks top in purchasing locally farmed rohu, stripped catfish and silver carp. Although scrutinizing pro­cesses were conducted at the Sittway border previously, the Sanpya Fish Market (Aungmingala Port) in Yangon was recognized as a temporary port to facilitate freshwater export to Bangladesh ac­cording to the guidance of the Head of the State. Moreover, One- Stop Service (OSS) was organized and comprised the Customs Depart­ment, Trade Department, Fisher­ies Department, Maritime Police Force and Anti-Drug Trafficking Task Force.


The OSS team inspects the daily exports systematically, con­ducts the sealing processes and checks the fish and amounts to en­sure they are in conformity with the export licences and export claims and do not contain drugs, arms, and ammunition on the vessel.


A total of 10,812 tonnes of fish were exported from the Aungmin­gala Port between March and 1 June 2024.


Moreover, over 623 tonnes of commodities and foodstuffs such as areca nut, preserved plum jam, dried Mourala, dried vermicelli, coffee mix, Mamee instant noodles, Shwepyinan Thanaka, slippers, alum and tragacanth gum herbs were exported to Bangladesh via Mottama port in Hlinethaya of Yangon. — MNA/KTZH