Second Amyotha Hluttaw’s 12th regular session holds 2nd day meeting

THE 12th regular session of the Second Amyotha Hluttaw held its second-day meeting at the Amyotha Hluttaw meeting hall yesterday morning. At the meeting asterisk marked questions were raised and answered, a bill tabled and two report read and explained.


 Asterisk marked questions and answers 


Answering to a question raised by U Sa Khin Zaw Lin of Ayeyawady Region constituency 2 for arrangements made for a work process on increasing good practices in forest management related to legal trade of legal forest products, Deputy Minister for Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation Dr. Ye Myint Swe said an interim work group was formed in August 2015 to draw up a work program and implement the works in the program of the European Union Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade – Voluntary Partnership Agreement (EU FLEGT VPA) work process. In August 2018 a 28 member national level FLEGT Tripartite group was formed with members made up from government sector, private sector and civil society sector.


The main aims of Myanmar EU FLEGT VPA work process were eradicating illegal timber trade and related trades, improving forest management, achieving sustainable forest management and legally sourced export of Myanmar timber to EU directly. While implementing the work process the ministry was preventing illegal timber production, reviewing existing policy, procedure and work processes dividing into short term and long term works continuously for forest sector reform.


A ten year Myanmar Reforestation and Rehabilitation program was implemented from 2017-2018 to 2026-2027. Under Myanmar’s Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) to mitigate climate change by 2030 — 30 percent and 10 per cent of the country’s area will be established as forest reserve and wildlife sanctuary areas respectively. Myanmar Timber Enterprise (MTE) was establishing commercial teak/pyinkado plantations in Bago Yoma and Ayeyawady Region starting from 2018 and arrangements were made to continue this under a 5-year plan. In addition to timber extraction, elephant conservation based eco-tourism were started in 2016 and to date 20 MTE owned elephant camps were established.


Establishment of forest plantation and extraction of forest products were being conducted under 2018 Forest Law.


For the success of Myanmar EU FLEGT VPA work process Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation and related ministries, FLEGT Tripartite Group and all related persons will strive and work under the support and guidance of Union government and Hluttaws said the Deputy Minister.


In response to a question raised by Dr. Zaw Lin Htut of Mon State constituency 9 on a plan to construct Thayettaw and Panteinkan sluice gates in fiscal year 2019-2020 to prevent inundation and salt-water intrusion into 22,000 acres of farmland in Mon State, Thaton Township, Deputy Minister for Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation U Hla Kyaw said the constructions were to be made in a natural disaster prone areas and thus careful design calculations were being conducted. After completing the design calculation and an estimate of fund required is known, the construction work to be conducted in 2020-2021 FY will be included in works to be conducted under Union fund and depending upon fund allocated Irrigation and Water Utilisation Management Department will implement it, said the Deputy Minister.


Similarly questions raised by U Ye Htut of the Sagaing Region constituency 5 and U Aung Myo of Sagaing Region constituency 2 were answered by Deputy Ministers U Hla Kyaw and Dr. Ye Myint Swe.


 2019 New Tree Species Protection Bill 


Following the asterisk marked question session Deputy Minister for Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation U Hla Kyaw tabled a 2019 New Tree Species Protection Bill to the Hluttaw.


Amyotha Hluttaw Bill Committee member U Aung Kyi Nyunt read and explained a bill committee report on the bill.

Amyotha Hlutatw Speaker Mahn Win Khaing Than then announced for Hluttaw representatives who want to discuss the bill to register their names.


 Bill Committee report on Bill to amend Bar Council Act 


Next Amyotha Hluttaw Bill Committee member U Aung Thein read and explained a bill committee report on a bill to amend Bar Council Act.


Afterwards Amyotha Hluttaw Speaker obtained the decision of the Hluttaw and approved as amended by Amyotha Hluttaw Bill Committee the bill to amend Bar Council Act returned by Pyithu Hluttaw with amendments.


As there was disagreement between the two Hluttaws on the bill, U Hsan Myint of Ayeyawady Region constituency 3 tabled a motion for Pyidaungsu Hluttaw to discuss and decide on the disagreement. Amyotha Hlutatw Speaker then announced that the disagreement between the two Hluttaws on the bill to amend Bar Council Act will be submitted to the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw. The third day meeting of the Second Amyotha Hluttaw’s 12th regular session will be held on 3 May.


Aung Ye Thwin (MNA)

Translated by Zaw Min