Second day of 19th JMC-U meeting discusses wide range of committee affairs

09 July

The Joint Ceasefire Monitoring Committee – Union Level (JMC-U) held the second day of its 19th meeting at Horizon Lake View Hotel in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday.

Present at the meeting were JMC-U Chairman Lt-Gen Yar Pyae, Vice-Chairman (1) Saw Issac Poe, Vice-Chairman (2) Rev. Saw Matthew Aye, committee members including Lt-Gen Min Naung, Lt-Gen Win Bo Shein, Lt-Gen Aung Soe, Deputy Minister for Home Affairs Maj-Gen Soe Tint Naing, and representatives from ethnic armed organizations (EAOs) and civil society Organizations (CSOs). 

The meeting discussed approving the list of candidates for joining JMC-U, the processes implemented in the period between the 18th and 19th JMC-U meetings, the progress of no cost extension implementation from the JMC fund, drawing the fund budget scheme for 2020-2021 financial year, approving the executive director position proposed from the government’s budget, discussing the deputy executive director position proposed by EAOs, reviewing the JMC’s ToR and SoP if necessary, setting action plans for bilateral discussions in the JMC and resuming JMC-S meetings, forming Local Civilians Monitoring (LCM) groups, acquiring policies from civilian discussions across all levels of the JMC, proposal for holding the ninth civilian JMC meetings in the last week of July 2020, the donations from China and Thailand to the JMC, the expenditure and balance report of funds controlled by the JMC, and selecting the time and date for the next JMC-U meeting.

The 18th JMC-U meeting was held in September 2018 and the 19th meeting was held nearly a year later. The Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement (NCA) was signed between the Union Government and eight EAOs in Nay Pyi Taw on 15 October 2015, in the presence of local and international witnesses. Two more EAOs signed the NCA during the current government’s administration on 13 February 2018. 

The JMC-U was formed on 18 October 2015 to support the NCA in reducing armed conflicts and ensuring the success of political dialogues. The JMC is formed at the Union level and at the State and Regional level with JMC-S offices in Myeik of Taninthayi Region, Toungoo of Bago Region, Hpa-an of Kayin State, Mawlaymine of Mon State, and Kho Lam in Shan State. Local level JMCs are formed in Langkho of Southern Shan State and Papun of Kayin State. Anyone can report violations of military affairs, ethics and ceasefire agreements outline in the NCA or arguments arising on these matters and the JMC-U will send a special unit to resolve the issues. 

After the meeting, JMC-U Secretary (1) Dr Shwe Kah and Secretary (2) Colonel Wunna Aung answered to questions from the media regarding the 19th meeting of the JMC-U.

Myo Myint, Han Lin Naing (Translated by Zaw Htet Oo)