Second Pyithu Hluttaw 12th regular session holds tenth-day meeting

The tenth-day meeting of Second Pyithu Hluttaw’s 12th regular session was held at Pyithu Hluttaw meeting hall yesterday morning. At the meeting asterisk marked questions were raised and answered, a bill approved, a motion tabled and another motion debated and put on record.

Asterisk marked question and answer session

In the asterisk marked question and answer session U Saw Kyaw Win Maung of Kyaikmaraw constituency, Daw Khin Saw Wai of Yathedaung constituency and Dr. U Maung Thin of Meiktila constituency raised questions on usage of money from leasing of education facilities and stopping of this practice, upgrade of a school and reimbursement for reduction in salary of transferred teachers. Deputy Minister for Education U Win Maw Tun responded to these questions.

Responding to a question raised by Dr. Daw Pyone of Indaw constituency on delay in transfer of CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) funds from Myanmar Gems and Jewellery Entrepreneurs Association to be used in 13 works in Indaw Township, Deputy Minister for Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation Dr. Ye Myint Swe explained that there were requirements in the estimation of K 697 million requested for the works according to an assessment by Region construction work assessment committee and the responsible engineer was being informed to clarify the matter. The committee will speedily assess the fund request and will systematically transfer the CSR funds for the works while keeping a transparent record of remaining funds as well as transparently conduct the selection, approval and management of the funds under the arrangement of Region/State governments.

U Ar Moe Si of Khaunglanphu constituency raised a question on the status of permission granted to Fortuna Metals Limited on its proposal to work in 152,477.191 acres Block 1 and 152,189.239 acres Block 2 in Khaunglanphu region. Deputy Minister for Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation Dr. Ye Myint Swe replied that Fortuna Metals Limited is a company jointly formed by a Myanmar and an Australian citizen and is a company that was both technically and financial strong. The two huge blocks proposed in Khaunglanphu region were not for mineral extraction and production but for mineral prospecting and exploration only. At the prospecting and exploration stages there were no issue of land ownership and consideration for extraction and production will be made only after discovery of economically viable mineral deposit. Even when that stage was reached consideration will be given toward natural environment as well as benefit to the country. Still all due consideration and opinions will be taken from local and relevant authorities before actual permission was granted for the mineral prospecting and exploration permit said the Deputy Minister.

Deputy Minister for Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation Dr. Ye Myint Swe also responded to a question raised by U Kyaw Aung Lwin of Sedoktara constituency on storage and handling of jades confiscated from smugglers.


Education research, project and training bill

Following the asterisk marked question and answer session, Pyithu Hluttaw Speaker U T Khun Myat obtained the decision of the Hluttaw on Education Research, Project and Training Bill tabled by Ministry of Education as no Hluttaw representative tabled any amendment motions. There was no objection and the bill was approved.


Motion on wood finishing plant

Next, U Nyunt Win of Kanpetlet constituency tabled a motion urging the government to make arrangements for providing required technical and investment support to establish wood finishing plants in regions where teak and hard woods were produced. The motion was supported by U Myat Lay Oo of Htilin constituency.
After obtaining the decision of the Hluttaw to accept and discuss the motion, Pyithu Hluttaw Speaker U T Khun Myat announced the Hluttaw’s acceptance to discuss the motion and announced further for Hluttaw representatives who want to discuss the motion to register their names.


Motion on education discussed and put on record

Afterwards, a motion tabled by U Myo Zaw Aung of Kawlin constituency urging the government to upgrade teachings in higher education universities and colleges with educational support materials, practical works, field/site visits, research and term paper preparations etc. was discussed by Dr. Hla Moe of Aungmyaythazan constituency, U Myint Lwin of Twantay constituency and Tatmadaw representative Lt-Col Aung Kyaw Moe. Deputy Minister for Education U Win Maw Tun also supported the motion and recommended it to be put on record as the works proposed in the motion were being carried out by the ministry.

U Myo Zaw Aung was also of the opinion of putting the motion on record. As there was no objection from the Hluttaw, Pyithu Hluttaw Speaker announced the motion being put on record and kept in view.

The next meeting, the eleventh-day meeting of the Second Pyithu Hluttaw’s 12th regulars session is scheduled for 27 May. Aye Aye Thant (MNA) (Translated by Zaw Min)