Second Pyithu Hluttaw’s 12th regular session holds 2nd day meeting

THE Second Pyithu Hluttaw’s 12th regular session held its second-day meeting at the Pyithu Hluttaw meeting hall yesterday, where asterisk-marked questions were raised and answered, two motions and a bill tabled.


 Asterisk marked questions 


In the asterisk marked question session U Khin Cho of Hlaingbwe constituency raised the first question and asked if there was plan to construct low cost steel deck and steel cable suspension bridges to cross creeks and crevices in remote regions where travel was difficult. Deputy Minister for Construction U Kyaw Lin replied that after the collapse of Myaungmya suspension bridge the ministry was planning to replace all suspension bridges with reinforced concrete bridges. If reinforced concrete bridges could not be constructed, temporary bailey bridges will be built instead and thus there was no plan to construct low cost steel deck and steel cable suspension bridges said, the Deputy Minister.


The next question raised was by U Tun Tun Naing of Kani constituency on plan to implement the construction of inter-district road No. 4 in Sagaing Region and construction of this road in Kani Township. In replying to the first part of the question, Deputy Minister for Construction U Kyaw Lin said that the inter-district road No. 4 that will be about 411 miles long passing Budalin, Kani, Dabayin, YeU, Taze, Kyunhla, Pinlebu, Bamauk and Homalin townships in Sagaing Region and Mohnyin, Phakant, Kamine and Mogaung townships in Kachin State was planned to be constructed before 2010 but at the moment there was no plan to implement this. On the second part of the question the Deputy Minister said that in Kani Township the Kangyi-Pyintapon-Winmana-Taungpyin road was 11 miles from Kangyi to Winmana and 11 miles from Winmana to Taungpin, totaling about 22 miles. It was a Class A priority status road connecting to Budalin-Kane-Kani road and once it was completed would directly benefit 21 villages with 4,158 household and a population of about 21,000.


In the Kangyi-Pyintaw-Tapon-Winmana road section 4 miles 6 furlong of gravel road and about 6 miles 2 furlong of rough road was constructed and when fund from Sagaing Region government become available the remaining 11 miles of earth road will be constructed, said the Deputy Minister.


Questions raised by U Lar Mar Lay of Hsawlaw constituency, U Nyan Hein of Thanbyuzayat constituency, Dr. U Lin Lin Kyaw of Myittha constituency, U Win Naing of Mogaung constituency and U Min Thein of Taungdwingyi constituency were answered by Deputy Minister for Border Affairs Maj-Gen Than Htut and Deputy Minister for Construction U Kyaw Lin.


 Tabling of motions 


A motion urging the government to invite public businesses to conduct opium replacement project systematically in cooperation with the government in areas of Myanmar where opium growing was the highest was tabled by Daw Khin Hnin Thit of Padaung constituency and supported by Daw Nan Than Than Lwin of Hpa-an constituency.


Another motion urging the government to review investment policy for the development of local industry, for local production to become part of Global Supply Chain and to assist in obtaining required financial and technical supports was tabled by Daw Cho Cho of Ottwin constituency and supported by U Naing Htoo Aung of Natogyi constituency.


After Hluttaw agreed to accept and discuss the motions, Pyithu Hluttaw Speaker U T Khun Myat made announcements on that effect and also announced further for Hluttaw representatives who want to discuss and table amendment motions to register their names.


The third-day meeting of the Second Pyithu Hluttaw’s 12th regular session is scheduled to be held on 3 May, it is learnt.


Aye Aye Thant (MNA)

(Translated by Zaw Min)