Second Pyithu Hluttaw’s 13th regular session holds 16th-day meeting

A 16th-day meeting of Second Pyithu Hluttaw’s 13th regular session was held at the Pyithu Hluttaw meeting hall in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday where Hluttaw approves appointments and removal of committee members, asterisk marked questions raised and answered, two motions tabled and a bill approved.

Appointments and removal of committee members

First, Hluttaw’s decision and approval of the appointment of Pyithu Hluttaw Investment and Industrial Development Committee member U Win Htut of Pyapon constituency as Pyithu Hluttaw Transport, Communications and Construction Committee Chairman; appointment of Pyithu Hluttaw Transport, Communications and Construction Committee member Daw Yin Min Hlaing of Gangaw constituency as the committee secretary; appointment of Pyithu Hluttaw Transport, Communications and Construction Committee secretary U Ne Phoo Ba Swe of Pabedan constituency as the committee member; and the removal of Pyithu Hluttaw Transport, Communications and Construction Committee Chairman U Tin Maung Win of Seikkan constituency was obtained by Pyithu Hluttaw Speaker U T Khun Myat.

Asterisk marked questions and answers session

In the asterisk marked questions and answers session plans to construct additional constructions in RMC right main canal and maintenance works on RMC canal banks in Taze Township raised by U Win Myint Aung of Tabayin constituency, plan to provide water to Ponnagyun Industrial Zone with water from Khami Kyeinchaung embankment raised by U Oo Tun Maung of Ponnagyun constituency and plan to provide water to Pauktaw Town people from Nat Taung Pyin Dam raised by U Aung Kyaw Zan of Pauktaw constituency were answered by Deputy Minister for Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation U Hla Kyaw.

Similarly questions raised by Daw Ni Ni May Myint of Taungup constituency on arrangements made to provide education to students in conflict areas of Rakhine State north; U Win Win of Minbu constituency on plan to appoint teachers required at upgraded basic education schools; U Paik Ko of Pakokku constituency on plan to construct hostels required in Pakokku Township Technical high school during fiscal year 2019-2020 and U Myo Zaw Aung of Kawlin constituency on plan to conduct talks by successful experts and business person for basic education students to increase their general knowledge in addition to the students learning their regular curriculum were answered by Union Minister for Education Dr Myo Thein Gyi.

Tabling of two motions

Following the asterisk marked questions and answers session, U Thein Tun of Kyaunggon constituency explained and tabled a motion urging the Union Government on establishing a new Farmers Affairs Ministry at the Union level to provide rights and entitlements and resolve the difficulties of the farmers, develop the agriculture and livestock breeding sector and develop the socio-economic situation of the farmer families. The motion was supported by U Khin Maung Myint of Yaksawk constituency.

After Pyithu Hluttaw Speaker U T Khun Myat obtained the agreement of the Hluttaw to accept and discuss the motion, an announcement was made accordingly.
Next, U Sein Win of Maubin constituency explained and tabled a motion urging the Union Government to establish township wise Farmer Market System for agriculture and livestock breeding products to have fair price and a sustainable market. The motion was supported by U Aung Thaung Shwe of Buthidaung constituency.

Here too Pyithu Hluttaw Speaker U T Khun Myat obtained the agreement of the Hluttaw to accept and discuss the motion and an announcement was made accordingly.
An announcement was also made for Hluttaw representatives who want to discuss the two motions to register their names.

Hluttaw approves Industrial Zone Bill

Afterwards the Bill Committee and Hluttaw representatives that had tabled amendment motions on the Industrial Zone Bill submitted by Pyithu Hluttaw Investment and Industrial Development Committee discussed the bill’s clauses and sub-clauses wise and Pyithu Hluttaw Speaker obtained the comments and approval of Ministry of Industry and the Hluttaw.

Pyithu Hluttaw Speaker then obtained the decision of the Hluttaw to approve the entire Industrial Zone Bill as amended by clauses and sub-clauses wise and announced the Hluttaw’s approval.

The 17th-day meeting of Second Pyithu Hluttaw’s 13th regular session will be held on 5 September. — Aye Aye Thant

(Translated by Zaw Min)