Second Pyithu Hluttaw’s 14th regular session convenes second day meeting

November 06, 2019
The Second Pyithu Hluttaw’s 14th regular session held its second-day meeting at the Pyithu Hluttaw meeting hall yesterday, where a Hluttaw representative who had passed away was remembered, a question and answer session held and the Hluttaw was informed of a receipt of National Records and Archive Bill.
Remembering a passed away Hluttaw representative
U Zaw Min Thein of Laymyethna constituency first tabled a motion of sorrow on the passing away of Dr Aye Kyu of Labutta constituency, who was also a member of Pyithu Hluttaw Judicial and Legal Affairs committee, on 20 September 2019.
Hluttaw observed a minute silence for Dr Aye Kyu, Pyithu Hluttaw Speaker U T Khun Myat announced the Hluttaw donating one day allowance of Hluttaw representatives totaling K 8.64 million to the family of Dr Aye Kyu and Hluttaw putting on record a motion of sorrow on the passing away of Dr Aye Kyu.
Question and answer session
In the question and answer session that follows questions raised by seven Hluttaw representatives were answered by Nay Pyi Taw Council member U Aye Maung Sein and Union Minister for Education Dr Myo Thein Gyi.
Questions raised by U Thaung Aye of Pyawbwe constituency on legality of local regional orders on peaceful assembly and procession and U Kyaw Soe Lin of Pyigyidagun constituency on a plan to return confiscated farm land to original owners were answered by Nay Pyi Taw Council member U Aye Maung Sein.
Questions raised by U Khin Maung Thein, Sagaing constituency on a plan to construct a government technical science school in Sagaing Township; U Aye Naing, Dagon Myothit (South) constituency on a plan to construct a new building for Dagon Myothit (South) Township Education head office; U Myat Lay Oo of Htilin constituency on a plan for Ministry of Education Basic Education Department to change policy in providing new school buildings to required schools; U Min Thein of Taungdwingyi constituency on a plan to build a new school building in Shwe Oo Ward 2, Taungdwingyi Town; and U Sai Thiha Kyaw of Mongyai constituency on a plan to print text book in ethnic national languages for use in schools where necessary was answered by Union Minister for Education Dr Myo Thein Gyi.
Receipt of National Records and Archive Bill
Next, Pyithu Hluttaw Speaker informed the Hluttaw of the receipt of National Records and Archive Bill returned with amendment by Amyotha Hluttaw and announced for Hluttaw representatives who want to table amendment motions to register their names.
The third-day meeting of the Second Pyithu Hluttaw’s 14th regular session will be held on 7 November.—Aye Aye Thant (MNA) (Translated by Zaw Min)