Second Pyithu Hluttaw’s 14th regular session convenes third day meeting

The second Pyithu Hluttaw’s 14th regular session held its third-day meeting at the Pyithu Hluttaw meeting hall yesterday morning. The day’s meeting covered a swearing in of a Tatmadaw representative, replacement and cancellation of committee members, raising and answering of asterisk marked questions, approval of a bill and a motion discussed and rejected.

Swearing in of a Tatmadaw Hluttaw representative

The meeting started with swearing in and signing of the oath of office by a Tatmadaw Hluttaw representative in the presence of Pyithu Hluttaw Speaker U T Khun Myat.

Replacement, appointment and cancellation of committee members

Next, Pyithu Hluttaw Speaker U T Khun Myat obtained the consensus of the Hluttaw and approved the replacement of Pyithu Hluttaw Judicial and Legal Affairs Committee member Daw Myint Myint Soe (a) Daw May Soe of Botahtaung constituency with Dr Daw Pyone of Indaw constituency, replacement of Pyithu Hluttaw International Relations Committee member Daw Pyone Kaythi Naing of Kalaw constituency with U Htay Win Aung (a) U Pyone Cho of Dawbon constituency, appointment of Daw Yin Min Hlaing of Gangaw constituency as Transport, Communication and Construction Committee secretary and cancellation as a member of Women and Childen’s Rights Committee.

Asterisk marked questions and answers session

In the asterisk marked questions and answers session questions raised by U Maung Maung of Htigyaing constituency on transport charges of Great Wall-Wilmar sugar factory sugar cane trucks, action against traffic and road rule violations of the sugar cane trucks, maintenance of Mandalay-Bhamo Union Road section between 108.28 km and 117 km; U Nay Lin Aung of Mindat constituency on department responsible to oversee and monitor the maintenance of inter-village roads constructed by tender winning construction companies; and U Tun Tun Naing of Kani constituency on expanding and upgrading a road in Kani Township were answered by Deputy Minister for Construction U Kyaw Lin.

Questions raised by Dr Khin Maung Maung of Dagon Myothit (North) constituency on setting up a commercial farm in University of Veterinary Science to support practical works of students; U Win Myint Aung of Dabayin constituency on changing Peasant Day in Myanmar from March 2 to December 22 when Saya San led peasant uprising starts; U Win Win of Minbu constituency on allocation according to law for agriculture purpose the temporary sedimentary islands that occurs near Minbu (Saku) Town every year; and U Kyaw Aung Lwin of Sedoktara constituency on properly conducting systematic CSR works for villagers and locals from 13 villages that were submerged by Mone Dam were answered by Deputy Minister for Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation U Hla Kyaw.

Approval of draft law to prevent an Increased Quantity of Imports

Next, Pyithu Hluttaw Speaker announced the approval of a draft law to prevent an Increased Quantity of Imports approved and sent by Amyotha Hluttaw with amendments as approved with amendments submitted by a Bill Committee report after obtaining the consensus of the Hluttaw.

Debate and rejection of motion on establishing Farmer Affairs Ministry

Afterwards a motion submitted by U Thein Tun of Kyaunggon constituency to establish a Farmers Affair Ministry was debated by U Aung Kyi Thein of Chaungzon constituency, Tatmadaw representative Maj Zaw Zaw Moe, U Yan Lin of Kyaiklat constituency, U Sai Ngaung Hsai Hein of Maukmai constituency, U Khin Maung Thi of Loilem constituency, U Nan Mon Htin of Machanbaw constituency, U Aye Maung of Bawlake constituency, U Sai Tun Sein of Mongpyin constituency, Tatmadaw representative Maj. San Win Khaing, U Tun Mya Aung (a) U Saw Tun Mya Aung of Papun constituency, U Tun Tun of Pwintbyu constituency, U Win Win of Minbu constituency, U Myat Lay Oo of Htilin constituency and Daw Khin Than Nu of Mindon constituency.

In discussing the motion Deputy Minister for Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation U Hla Kyaw said that the ministry was handling all matters related to peasants and farmers even though it was not named as Ministry of Farmers Affairs. In such situation, establishing a new farmers affairs ministry would complicate and put up unnecessary hindrance and limitations toward work implementation and management of Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation. Much consideration needs to be made in term of human resources, financial and physical material requirements. At the present situation the motion shouldn’t be approved as there was no requirement to expanding and establishing a new ministry explained the Deputy Minister.

As U Thein Tun who tabled the motion want the motion to be approved, the matter was put up to vote. There were 127 for, 221 against and 7 abstaining and an announcement was made of the motion not being approved.

The fourth-day meeting of the second Pyithu Hluttaw’s 14th regular session is scheduled to be held on 14 November it is learnt.—Aye Aye Thant (MNA)


(Translated by Zaw Min)