Second Pyithu Hluttaw’s 14th regular session holds seventh-day meeting

26 November

At the seventh-day meeting of Second Pyithu Hluttaw’s 14th regular session held yesterday morning, asterisk marked questions were raised and answered, a motion and a bill tabled and three reports read.

Asterisk marked questions

In the asterisk marked question and answer session, a question raised by U Pe Than of Myebon constituency on a village connecting road in Myebon Township was answered by Deputy Minister for Transport and Communications U Kyaw Myo. A question by Dr Lin Lin Kyaw of Myittha constituency on drawing up and implementing work plan to prevent flooding and inundation in Myittha Town Buta Ward and Yway Village was also answered by Deputy Minister U Kyaw Myo.

A question by U Win Win of Minbu constituency on plan to construct a bridge on a village connecting road in Minbu (Saku) Township was answered by Deputy Minister for Construction U Kyaw Lin while questions raised by U Aung Kyaw Zan of Pauktaw constituency on the reason for the delay in constructing Kissapa Nadi (Kaladan) River crossing bridge; U Kyaw Min of Letpadan constituency on upgrading an embankment into a village connecting road in Letpadan Township; U Thein Tun of Kyaunggon constituency on upgrading a road in Kyaunggon Township into an all-weather road and U Moe Shwe of Putao constituency on a plan to construct the remaining portion of a road in Putao Township were answered by Deputy Minister U Hla Kyaw.

Motion urging governmental departments to post particulars about tenders on website

Following the asterisk marked question and answer session Daw Nan Kham Aye of Namtu constituency tabled and explained a motion urging Union, State/Region governmental departments to post particulars about tenders invited, tender winning company and the tender work conducted until completion. The motion was supported by U Sai Oo Kham of Hsenwi constituency. As the Hluttaw agreed to accept and discuss the motion, an announcement was made accordingly about it. Pyithu Hluttaw Speaker U T Khun Myat then announced for Hluttaw representatives who want to discuss the motion to register their names.

National Library bill

Next, Deputy Minister for Religious Affairs and Culture U Kyi Min tabled the National Library bill and Bill Committee member Daw Mar Mar Khine read the committee’s report on the bill.

This was followed by Pyithu Hluttaw Speaker announcing for Hluttaw representatives who want to table amendment motions to register their names.

Pyithu Hluttaw Speaker also announced for Hluttaw representatives who want to table amendment motions to U Kyaw Soe Lin of Pyidyidagun constituency’s amendment proposal to Rule on Copying Case File sent by Union Supreme Court, U Kyaw Soe Lin of Pyidyidagun constituency’s amendment proposal to Bar Council Election Rule sent by Union Supreme Court and Ethnic Affairs and Internal Peace Implementation Committee’s amendment proposal to Ethnic National Rights Protection Rule sent by Ministry of Ethnic Affairs.

Reports of Pyithu Hluttaw Committees read

Finally Annual Report of Pyithu Hluttaw Rights Committee was read by Committee Secretary Dr Hla Moe and Annual Report of Pyithu Hluttaw Citizens’ Fundamental Rights Committee was read by Committee member U Sai Pho Myat. Once each report was read, Pyithu Hluttaw Speaker announced for Hluttaw representatives who want to discuss the report to register their names. The eighth-day meeting of the 14th regular session of the Second Pyithu Hluttaw will be held on 27 November.

— Aye Aye Thant

(Translated by Zaw Min)