Security troops recapture AA terrorist group foothold in Rakhine State

10 May

SECURITY troops discharging security duties in Rakhine State occupied point 114, a dominant hill, near An-Sittway Union Highway and Ramong Bridge in Minbya Township transport at about 5 pm on 8May.

The point was a foothold of AA terrorists who were threatening the safety of public.

Beginning March this year, AA terrorists cut off Kyauktaw-Paletwa route and Matupi-Hsamee-Paletwa route as a means to isolate and block Paletwa before security troops took necessary measures to reopen the routes.

On 23 and 28 March 2020, a large number of AA terrorists launched a surprise attack on a local Tatmadaw training depot at Kanni of Minbya. However, they had to flee with many casualties as security troops were ready to ward off the attack.

Having been defeated in all fronts, AA terrorists, with the aim of creating crises for the government and the Tatmadaw, committed terrorist acts of disrupting transportation along Yangon-Sittway Union Highway by taking positions on point 144 hill near Ramong Bridge in Minbya and repeatedly threatening, disrupting and launching attacks without sound reasons on passenger buses, cargo trucks and private cars including a vehicle with the WHO logo transporting swab samples of quarantined people to Yangon on 20 April evening and a vehicle carrying pesticides of the CPS company on 21 April afternoon.

As AA terrorists are disrupting the transportation route used by the public, security forces took measures to control the area as of 20 April. The security forces managed to capture five stronghold positions of the terrorists near point 144 hill step by step and occupy the entire point 144 hill at about 5 pm on 8 May due to the relentless efforts made by the security forces by risking lives.

In the incidents, members of the security forces, after sacrificing lives and sustaining injuries, seized bodies and weapons and some accessories of AA terrorists.

Continued measures are being taken for local security, transportation safety and controlling the area.—MNA