Selection of receptionists for 2023 Myanmar Film Academy Award ceremony to commence on 17 December

U Aye Kyu Lay, vice-chair of the Myanmar Motion Pictures Or­ganization (MMPO), announced that the selection process for re­ceptionists at the 2023 Myanmar Film Academy Award ceremony will commence on 17 December. Applications for the receptionist positions were accepted from 1 to 15 December, and personal interviews for the applicants are scheduled on 17 December.


"The preliminary selection stage for the receptionist posi­tion will be conducted on 17 De­cember. The selection board will conduct interviews for applicants numbered from 001 to 216 in the morning and from 217 to 335 in the afternoon," explained U Aye Kyu Lay.


The Myanmar Motion Pic­tures Organization demanded nomination film professionals and artistes involved in films screened in 2023 through rele­vant film industries by 8 Decem­ber. This year's Academy award­ing ceremony is set to take place in Nay Pyi Taw. — ASH/MKKS