Self-reliant school inaugurated in Yinmabin Township

Yinmabin, 8 July

An opening ceremony of a primary school which was built on a self-reliant basis took place in Shwesu Village, Yinmabin Township in Sagaing Region on 7 July.




The signboard of the school was unveiled by the Pyithu Hluttaw Representative U Aung Soe, Regional Lawmaker Daw Khin Hin Yi, Chairman of the District Management Committee U Tun Tun Naing, and District Education Officer Dr. Aye Aye San by cutting a ceremonial ribbon. Next, the Pyithu Hluttaw MP, regional legislator, the chairman of the district management committee and the district education officer made opening speeches.

“The school was opened by the villagers on self-reliant basis this academic year by hiring teachers. The school structure including its archway, school fence and nursery were built by our monk and donors”, said U Myint Oo, the chairman of the school board of school. Afterwards, concerned officials presented certificates of honour and exercise books.

The school consists of four classrooms, one office room and one day nursery. The school measuring 120 ft. in length and 30 ft. in width was built on 1.08 acres of land.  It has admitted 66 students with five private teachers.—Than Htay Aung (Kani)

Translated by Kyaw Htike Soe