Senior citizens in Hlaingbwe receive social pension

Hlaingbwe, 27 January

Staff from the township Department of Social Welfare under Ministry of Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement provided social pension to elderly people above 85 years old in Hlaingbwe Township, Kayin State yesterday on a door to door basis.

Under this cash aid program, 20 including 14 senior citizens from Htilung Village and six elder people from Thapuhto Village in the township received K 30000 each for three months.

There are reportedly 1037 senior citizens including 403 men and 634 women who are eligible for social pension in Hlaingbwe Township.  Staff from the township Department of Social Welfare and GAD will continue to provide social pension to elderly people in the remaining wards and villages in the township.

Township IPRD 
Translated by JT