Senior General Min Aung Hlaing vows vigilant efforts against insurgents

Tatmadaw, responsible for the State defence duty, will empha­size combatting insurgents, said Chairman of the State Administration Council Prime Minister Senior General Min Aung Hlaing.


The Senior General delivered a speech at the State Administration Council meeting 6/2023 at the SAC Chairman’s Office in Nay Pyi Taw.


The Senior General continued that Tatmadaw members are striving for peace and stability in the region, per­petuation of sovereignty, and preven­tion of loss of property of the people with might, mainly in cooperation with members of the Myanmar Police Force.


With regard to administrative measures and ethnic armed organi­zation measures, KIA signed a cease­fire agreement on 24 February 1994. According to the accord, areas were set for its four brigades and 84 bases. Later, KIA committed drug trafficking and illegal export of underground and aboveground natural resources to other countries with the reason of the peace process and then extended its strength. Moreover, arms and ammunition facto­ries were built in Laiza and Laisin posts and developed their strength.


According to the political situa­tion in 2021, the youths with extreme attitudes from Sagaing and Magway regions underwent military training at KIA camps and formed units. They were equipped with arms and ammunition by the newly-formed KIA Brigade 8. KIA cooperates with PDF terrorists who are committing terror acts in Sagaing and Magway regions till today. In the Kokang region of Northern Shan State, at a time when Tatmadaw clashes with MNDAA and allies, KIA attacked a mi­nor camp of the Tatmadaw in Kachin State. So, the Tatmadaw responded to it.


Moreover, KIA and PDF terrorists, as well as AA group, launched fire at Htigyaing, Kanbalu, Kawlin, Tamu and Khampat in Sagaig Region and Haka and Lailinpi in Chin State. People’s mi­litia troops joined hands with Tatmadaw against them, and local people sent in­formation about terrorists to Tatmadaw to effectively conduct counterattacks.


Likewise, UWSA returned to the legal fold in 1989 to restore peace. The government set Wa region as Special Region 2. As the region was insufficient in food, the government provided the necessary rice to the Wa region. UWSA has restored peace for more than 30 years. The government emphasized the development of the Wa region as a special issue. Since the last decade, the Wa region has been experiencing remarkable growth. It can be seen as a modern city. On the other hand, the region produced its own arms on a broader scale, but they did not clash with Tatmadaw.


In 2019, when Laukkai’s unrest happened, Pheung Kya-shin and his followers ran away to Mongla where his son-in-law resides. Some of his follow­ers went to other countries and regions. At present, a group led by Pheung Tah-shwin, son of Pheung Kya-shin, organ­ized remnant groups of MNDAA and Kokang groups in an attempt to renew the special region. Last month, TNLA, KIA, AA and other Kokang groups and foreign drone experts attacked secu­rity posts of Tatmadaw in the Kokang region of northern Shan State. The group led by Pheung Tah-shwin at­tacked Tatmadaw security posts in 2015. Likewise, they launched attacks on Monekoe, Phaungseng, Kyukok, and the 105th-mile trade camp in 2016. In 2017, they attacked the Yanlonkeng checkpoint in an attempt to seize power. TNLA also attacked Nawnghkio and Hsenwi on the Mandalay-Lashio-Hsen­wi Road as well as Lashio. Primari­ly, they use drones and drop bombs. Now, they target their attacks on Muse. TNLA attempts to interrupt the Man­dalay-Lashio Road and close Hsenwi from the Lashio-Muse-Chinshwehaw Road. Likewise, TNLA joined MNDAA in some incidents.


TNLA group was formed at Laiza with the assistance of KIA in 2009. It en­tered the northern Shan State in 2011. It set an aim to secure the Palaung region. In 2016, it clashed with Tatmadaw at the trade zone. In 2018, TNLA attacked peo­ple’s militia and security posts in Muse. In December 2022, as TNLA provided arms and ammunition to PDF terrorists in Sagaing Region, Tatmadaw attacked it and seized arms and ammunition as well as related accessories.


In reviewing incidents which hap­pened in the northeast area of Shan State, excessive strengths and tech­nologies were deployed, and military drones were used to drop bombs in attacks. They have so far used more than 25,000 drop bombs and carried out attacks with the use of some 120 107mm rockets.


The government carries out secu­rity duties for the regions, peace and stability through collaborative efforts of Tatmadaw and the police force due to unrest and terror acts which have been happening in 2021. So, military operations were conducted with spe­cial restraint. In some areas, security forces are deployed depending on the security situation. MNDAA and allies attack these areas with the use of drop bombs and excessive strength. As such, some posts were abandoned to avoid the danger to the lives of families. As these areas are located at the border, all measures are controlled so as not to cause misunderstandings with other countries, and these were conducted not to harm innocent people.


The current complication in the Laukkai region of Shan State (North) was triggered by online gambling. Drug trafficking and gambling have been there for many years. In the time when Covid-19 broke out, transport was de­layed, and so online gambling boomed. Skilled persons and supporting staff were recruited for their online gam­bling businesses. So, illegal foreigners flowed into the Laukkai region. Among illegal foreigners exposed, 2,035 per­sons were transferred to China until 28 November. A total of 3,738 were ar­rested and handed over to China. A total of 37,936 persons left Myanmar under their arrangements. So, those illegal foreigners totalled 43,709, and some persons remain.


AA group was established in the KIA area in 2009 and then moved to Ra­khine State in 2015. In December 2015, AA forcibly recruited new members from local people in Kyauktaw Town­ship and built units. Hence, Tatmad­aw removed them from the areas. In 2009, AA attacked the border outposts and abducted 118 students learning in Paletwa Township. Consequently, Tatmadaw responded to it. From then on, Tatmadaw and AA have been meet­ing in engagements. On 1 March 2021, both sides ceased fire under the nego­tiation of the Nippon Foundation, and the government lifted the declaration over AA group from the terrorist group. Then, AA group has been committing recruitment, kidnapping, interfering in administrative measures, and ex­panding their military buildings. So, Tatmadaw warned AA group several times not to do so. In the time when Storm Mocha came in, Rakhine State faced terrible loss and damage, with some casualties. The Senior General recounted that he went to the storm-hit areas and emphasized rehabilita­tion measures with might and main.


Senior military officers were assigned to relevant townships to take rehabil­itation tasks with the aim of ensuring better development than the original conditions with farsightedness. The majority of the State budget was spent on rehabilitation. Upholding the good­will, the work process has been done to complete the rehabilitation account­ing for 99 per cent in Rakhine State. However, AA group was not loyal and violated the temporary ceasefire agree­ment. It participated in the incidents of MNDAA. Recently, AA group attacked two security outposts in the Paletwa region and Pauktaw. It also attacked some police stations with excessive strength. These areas are now under control due to brave counterattacks by security forces. AA group faced many casualties as well as security forces sustained some casualties. AA group abducted administrative body members and service personnel in some regions and took some drivers. So, people from Rakhine State need to fully cooperate with the security forces to ensure peace and stability of Rakhine State with a patriotic spirit.


Starting on 11 November, KNPP/ KNDF group attacked Loikaw of Kayah State with excessive strength. Due to information from the people who dislike terror acts, some groups were anni­hilated. It was seen that they made good preparations for attacks with strength, arms and ammunition. Before the clashes, they collected arms and munitions for Kayah State. An item of information was released that 500 arms and ammunition were seized in Hopong Township on 17 December 2022. Like­wise, 130 assorted arms, more than 13,000 rounds of ammunition, more than 7,600 grenades, 500 barrels for small arms and other munitions were seized on 16 November.


According to the confession of those arrested in the incident, these arms and ammunition came via the SSPP/SSA area, which moves in the Mongkai area. These arms and am­munition were trafficked by vehicles under the escort of those wearing PNO uniforms. Arms and ammunition were transported to Kayah State through various ways and means. The cases were exposed, and offenders were ar­rested. So, these hindered terror acts of KNPP/KNDF and PDF terrorists to some extent. At present, the Loikaw region is under control.


He continued that KNU group has not had huge fights for a long time. There were peace talks during the term of former president U Thein Sein, and the regional development activities were conducted to a certain extent by the Progress of Border Ar­eas and National Races Department with the collaboration of foreign or­ganizations after signing the NCA.


However, there were inevitable tensions regarding political changes in 2021. Then, Chairman Saw Mu Tuu Say Phoe was removed at the 17th Congress of KNU, and Padoh Kwe Htoo Win became Chairman. Then, the KNLA Brigades 5 and 6 did not abide by the NCA and launched attacks on the small bases of Tatmadaw in Myawady and Kawkareik townships. On 24 November, the KNLA Brigade 5 raided the Tatmadaw base, and Brigade 6 exploded the Chaunghnit­khwa Bridge in Kyaikmaraw Township on 27 November.


Their doings showed that the ethnic armed groups gather their force secretly with the reason of peace, produce arms, ammunition and magazines, give terror­ist training to PDFs and sell weapons to them, and are still exploiting the peace.


The Senior General said, “Our coun­try is leading to a multiparty democratic system. Tatmadaw develops the multi­party democracy that the people aspire to. Tatmadaw led the activities to estab­lish the multiparty democratic system, and it is not that Tatmadaw approves of that system only now. If we look at the announcements made by the State Peace and Development Council after 1988, they all are made to represent Tat­madaw. Since then, we have said to go forward to multiparty democracy. Then, we drafted the Constitution that fully supported the multiparty democracy and kept going as per the Constitution.


Meanwhile, we made a pathway to the election and organized three general elections in 2010,2015 and 2020. Although there were specific problems in the 2010 and 2015 elections, there was no con­siderable case. However, voting fraud emerged in the 2020 election. Then, we have to declare the State of Emergency in accordance with the 2008 Constitution and set a five-point roadmap, as there were attempts to grab the power forcibly with illegal voting results. Therefore, Tatmadaw leads the way to the multi­party democratic system and assures that Tatmadaw will keep leading the way to a firm multiparty democratic system. We also pledge that Tatmadaw is on the same side as the people who want a multiparty democratic system. Moreover, Tatmadaw will also carry out to achieve firm multiparty democratic system in nation-building sector.”


He then talked about the attacks of insurgents on Loikaw University, the arrest of faculty members, staff and family members, including the rector, systematic security measures of the Se­curity Force amid the attacks in Loikaw township, including the Prison Depart­ment, an announcement to release the arrested education staff and students as such abduction breaks the facts in Geneva Convention, the release of ed­ucation staff, students and families by KNPP and PDF terrorists due to the encouragement of locals and religious organizations that want peace, 11 arres­tees to be released out of 204, enormous losses to the students and parents due to the postponement of examination of the University of Distance Education at Loikaw University and socioeconomic status of locals in the attack of KNPP and PDFs, closure of Technological Uni­versity, University of Computer Studies and Education Degree College in Loikaw and Haka University,


He also highlighted the lower num­bers of students in the universities in unstable regions. Although the univer­sities were reopened on 23 November, it is necessary to guarantee the safety of teachers and make efforts to reopen the basic education schools.


Furthermore, the Senior Gener­al said regarding fuel and edible oils: “We’ve penalized eight companies for significantly overpricing fuel oils and oth­ers that charged more than reasonable price margins. The same actions were taken in the case of edible oils. We’ve identified and taken action against the government officials responsible for this matter, including the two members of the State Administration Council.”


He continued discussing the status of improving commodity production and cautioned about the proliferation of false news online, emphasizing that it aimed to mislead the public. “It’s imperative for relevant officials and organizations to counteract this misinformation and ensure the truth reaches the people.”


The council members presented some pressing matters, including eth­nic armed organizations’ mining and smuggling of jade and other minerals in Kachin State, the necessity to provide food and healthcare for displaced people in Kayah State, the need to inform the public about the actions of certain EAOs and self-proclaimed PDF terrorists, and powerful western countries’ interference in Myanmar’s internal affairs.


The SAC Joint Secretary also provid­ed a comprehensive report on the state’s law and order status in 2023. Following this, the SAC Vice-Chairman and Deputy Prime Minister called for a collaborative approach to tackle armed violence and combat the spread of misinformation.


In conclusion, SAC Chairman Prime Minister Senior General Min Aung Hlaing addressed concerns about the impact of fake news on bank depositors, noting that while some had withdrawn funds due to misinformation, the situa­tion has since been stabilized. He high­lighted the bolstered security measures in both private and state banks while ac­knowledging the involvement of certain bank staff in past malicious activities.


Moreover, the Senior General point­ed out that the self-proclaimed PDF terrorists had been targeting banks as an easy source of funds. The most re­cent incident involved a private bank in Kawlin where PDF terrorists reportedly intimidated the staff and looted over K40 billion. Thus, police have been stationed at private banks, and Tatmadaw troops are stationed at more important banks for security.

Concerning education, the Senior General emphasized that Shan State (East), Kayah State, and Chin State face significant challenges. Ongoing conflicts have resulted in the closure of univer­sities in Kayah and Chin, exacerbating the educational vulnerability in these regions.


He stressed that some individuals wanted to seize power through armed struggle and the need to rectify such a mindset, underscoring the crucial role of an educated population in upholding a multiparty democracy. He reassured that Tatmadaw would lead the way to a multiparty democracy as people desired and reaffirmed the objective of ensuring a strong, disciplined and authentic mul­tiparty democratic system and fostering a Union founded upon democratic and federal system.


Also present at the meeting were SAC Vice-Chairman Deputy Prime Minister Vice-Senior General Soe Win, Secretary Lt-Gen Aung Lin Dwe, Joint Secretary Lt-Gen Ye Win Oo, council members and officials. — MNA/TTA+K­TZH+NT