Seven box culverts being constructed in Paikyone sub-Township

Paikyone, 15 February

With the aim of ensuring swift flow of commodity and boosting socio-economic status of rural people, box culverts are being built along Monai-Nyaparaw-Mikyaung inter-village road in Paikyone sub-Towship, Hpa-an District of Kayin State.

A total of seven box culverts including two box culverts measuring 10 ft. in length, 5ft. in height and 26 ft. in width and five box culverts measuring 5 ft. in length, 5ft. in height and 26 ft. in width have been constructed since the first week of December last year with the State government funds for 2023-2024 FY.

Relevant officials are closely supervising the construction work of box culverts to meet the construction deadlines. Upon completion, it will bring socio-economic development to rural people.—Naw Khu(IPRD)

Translated by JT